Friday, November 30, 2012

Obesity Increases the Risk of Pancreatic Cancer

Obesity increases the risk of pancreatic cancer, according to a new report by the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF). A healthy weight and not smoking reduces the risk of this cancer. In the Netherlands the disease annually by over 2,100 people discovered. The five year survival rate for this disease is on average around 4%.

The report is based on new findings from the Continuous Update Project. The scientific evidence for a link between obesity and pancreatic cancer is stronger than ever.

There are several ways in which excess body fat may affect cancer risk. Body fat affects the hormones in our body. Fat produces hormones that may accelerate the cancer process.

Obesity can also lead to inflammation, which can stimulate cell division. Faster cell division increases the risk of developing cancer.

According the latest data from the Continuous Update Project around 42% of Dutch people were considered overweight and 10% were categorized as obese in 2011. From this data about 46% of mean were overweight and 37% of women were overweight as well.

Professor Alan Jackson, chairman of the panel of scientific experts of the Continuous Update Project and Professor of Human Nutrition at the University of Southampton said, "This new report confirms that there is a strong link between obesity and pancreatic cancer."

"Pancreatic cancer is usually detected late, thus causing the low survival rate of this cancer. The good news from the report is that we can reduce risk of this disease by maintaining a healthy weight and not smoking. "

More Cases of Cancer Due to Obesity

Every year, an average of nineteen hundred people living in England develops cancer as a result of obesity. This is evident from recent study by the World Cancer Research Fund. That is a whopping 50% increase compared to the results of the same study performed one year earlier. The cause of this increase of cancer diagnosis is that the number of overweight people is still rising.

Obesity increases the risk of cancer by 17%. By excess body fat absorbs the production of the hormone estrogen and insulin and may contribute to the development of, for example breast cancer, colon cancer, esophageal cancer, pancreatic cancer and uterine cancer.

The World Cancer Research Fund was shocked by the figures and called for action to proceed. Adults should be warned that it is important to maintain a healthy weight, which is a Body Mass Index of around 18.6 and 24.9. But again this also depends on other factors such as your height and race.

Scientists guess that around one third of the most usual cancers can be prevented by maintaining a healthy weight and exercise enough.

This study again concludes that obesity and weight gain has various adverse effects to your health. Routine exercise and a healthy diet is the best solution to overcome this. Plus you can receive more information about this matter from experts such as clinical nutritionists and physicians.

Food Reward Friday

This week's winner... the Starbuck's Double Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino!

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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Mango can lose Weight

Fun with food like we can lose weight. Hey, why not? There are really foods that can actually help Anda.Mangga diet program is a tropical fruit known as the 'king of fruits'. With its unique taste and aroma, mango is also known as a 'super fruit'. The fruit is green when young, and will be turned into reddish yellow when ripe. The amount varies depending on the type of mango, and the only fruit at certain seasons only.
Mango is rich in nutrients that are diverse, from Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and zinc to manganese.

 Mangoes are also rich in fiber which is good for improving digestion.
Experts say that while eating a mango, the stomach will feel full longer. "Mango contains high beta-carotene, a source of beta-carotene are the most numerous among other foods. Nutrition is also very beneficial for the body. Though contain calories, fruit is still a good selection of fruit for consumption," as reported by Indiatimes.

How mango can help you lose weight?

No doubt, the word calorie is still scary for those undergoing a diet program. Various foods that contain calories as an enemy to be avoided, but it's not supposed to be so. However, in everyday body still needs nutrients including calories. And solve it we have to be very clever to choose the best intake and healthy menu.

Mango, in addition to calories, contains a variety of vitamins and nutrients, as already discussed above. For this reason, the mango can be one of the menus within your diet program. To avoid an excessive amount of calories, there are rules for eating mangoes while undergoing a diet program.
The first, mangoes should not be consumed more than 1 fruit a day. And second, the mango should be consumed with other fruits in order to obtain more diverse nutrients.
Eating mango, at least 1 fruit a day not only helps you lose weight. But it also helps brighten the face and make the skin softer.


health benefits of mangoes

NOT just scrumptious consumed, mango is also healthy. In a cup of mango slices, contained 105% percent of calories, 76% vitamin C, 25% vitamin A, 11% vitamin B6, 9% prebiotic fiber, 9% copper, 7% potassium, and 4% magnesium.

Here are ten virtues orange fleshed sweet fruit for health, as edited from realfoodforlife page.

1. Prevent Cancer
Research suggests antioxidant compounds in mangoes protect the body against the risk of colon cancer, breast, leukemia and prostate cancers. Compounds in mangoes which play a role in preventing cancer quercetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid and methylgallat.

2. Lowering Cholesterol
Tinnginya fiber, pectin and vitamin C in mango help lower blood cholesterol levels.

3. Brighten Skin
Compounds in mango are able to clean your pores and remove acne on the skin. Can be used both internally and externally to the skin.

4. Healthy Eyes
A cup of mango supplies 25 percent of the daily value of vitamin A as needed. Therefore, consumption of mango both for clarity of vision and prevent dry eyes.

5. Meet the Needs of Alkali
Tartaric acid, malic acid, and citric acid in these fruits helps keep the body's alkaline reserve.

6. Normalize Insulin Levels
Mango leaves help normalize insulin levels in the blood. Mango fruit also has a relatively low glycemic index (41-60) so it's pretty harmless to mengkosumsi mango sugar levels.

7. Boosting Performance Sex
Mangoes are rich in vitamin E. Despite popular relationship between sex drive and vitamin E was originally created by generalizing the study in mice, further research showed intake of mangoes can help increase sex drive.

8. Improve Digestion
The fiber in the mango also help smooth digestion and secretion products of digestion.

9. In Heat Treating
The heat of the sun can cause muscle fatigue and diuretic problems. "Heat waves" caused kidney suffered in neutralizing toxic overload. At times like these cooling the body by consuming mango juice highly recommended.

10. Immune Boost
The amount of vitamin C and vitamin A sufficient, plus 25 types of carotenoids in mango helps keep your immune system healthy and strong.

Source :

Monday, November 26, 2012

Keeping Skin Beauty Tips Face & Body

In the last two months, the Earth is undergoing changes in temperature, causing changes in the weather becomes more erratic, the humidity increased. Direct sunlight penetrate our skin. Ultra violet light is absorbed our skin is greatly increased. Regeneration of the skin will be more active. At this time we should be more care to take care of our skin, so the skin condition is maintained, preventing premature aging and maintain healthy skin. How to treat skin face of climate change? Here are some tips for skin care and body:

Tip-1: Clean the skin gently
breeze on my face, makes us feel good, but it causes the dust and dirt menyumpat pores of our skin, add a thick pile of dead skin cells and dirt on our skin. Therefore the most important skin care is clean skin.
If the skin is not washed clean, then the piles of dead skin cells will grow thicker, blackheads and acne, it is disturbing the absorption of vitamins and nutrients to the skin. Therefore, keeping the skin clean is the main thing.

To clean facial skin, choose a facial cleanser that does not cause alergy on the skin, does not contain harmful chemicals and according to your skin type.

Besides skin cleansers to adjust well with the state of our skin, for example, when we use thick makeup, skin cleanser should be used to clean up the remnants of make-up perfectly. At the moment we do not use makeup, cleanser that can be lighter. At oily skin conditions and at the time of dry skin, use a cleanser that is different for both conditions.

Tip-2: Maintain Skin Moisture

Indonesia is a tropical region where temperatures average including tinggi.Sinar scorching sun can stimulate the oil glands to work more actively, but the skin is often dehydrated. Therefore you should choose skin care products that have a high water content to keep moisture from the skin, preventing skin dehydration and prevent premature aging.

Tip-3: Use Regular Scrub
Impurities and dead skin cells that clog the pores of the skin, causing skin looks dull and can not breathe and reduces the skin's ability to absorb nutrients. To avoid this, use the SCRUB or LULUR regularly. LULUR or SCRUB serve as sandpaper, which remove impurities and dead skin cells properly, the skin can breathe and unable to absorb nutrients optimally, and stimulate the growth of new skin cells more quickly. The skin will look clean and shiny.
Use Scrub or LULUR from natural ingredients that are safe for the skin and does not cause allergies.

Tip-4: Use a Helper Cosmetic Ingredients
If the skin condition or your body in unsanitary conditions, eg acne, premature wrinkles or looks dull, then some alternative cosmetic skin care or treatment can be used to speed healing or restoration of your skin condition.
Keep in mind that the use of cosmetic skin care or treatment is not recommended for use in the long term to avoid the effects of skin pigmentation coercion. After the recovery, advanced care can be done with the use of mild soap or other protective powder.

Tip-5: Avoid direct sunlight
To maintain healthy skin should avoid direct sunlight, use skin care products that contain SPF. Adjust the level of SPF to your skin's needs. If you indulge in the open air (outdoor) use sunscreens with a high SPF level, but if you are in the room, not exposed to direct sunlight, use sunscreen with a low SPF. A high SPF levels have a higher oil content is clogging the bad skin pores thus blocking the skin to breathe.
So be careful choosing sunscreens, high SPF is not necessarily appropriate for your skin type.

Tip-6: Maintenance of the
To get a healthy and beautiful skin not just rely on care from the outside only but also care to note from the inside. Skin also needs nutrients, foods rich in vitamins A, C, and E are very good for the skin, besides adequate rest and exercise will also help the growth of the skin and affect the skin condition. Do not miss the drinking water, because water is a very important factor to maintain skin moisture and prevent premature aging.

Source : 1whitebeauty

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Natural Beverages To Overcome Throat Disorders

When the immune system decreases, various ailments prepared to queue to enter. Cough, nasal congestion, headache, and others.
Usually without thinking, you immediately take drugs to go away. From now on, keep the body from these drugs. Try to switch to a more natural way to a healthier body. Here's a natural alternative that can restore your stamina.

1. Ginger tea
Warm drinks can overcome the symptoms of sore throat, stomach problems, and headaches. Ginger acts as an anti-virus and anti-inflammatory that can relieve some of the complaints.
You simply enter the sliced ??ginger into the tea, the longer you soak them, the stronger the ginger content come late. Nothing wrong with adding honey to drink instead of sugar, which also adds strength.

2. brine
The mixture of salt water also helps reduce inflammation of the throat. Meanwhile, to overcome nasal congestion, nasal spray you can buy at the pharmacy with the salt content. Spray it every few hours. This product is not addictive so it is safe to use at any time.

3. white water
Do not underestimate the power of super behind water. When you get sick, water will help to rid the body of bacterial pathogens. The more you consume, the faster the body is detoxifying.
But do not forget to change it back to avoid dehydration in the body. You can also add a bit of lime juice for a more maximal efficacy. Or mint leaves as an additional flavorings to combat nausea.

4. Lemon juice with honey
A mixture of lemon and honey will soothe your sore throat well. These drinks can cool the throat and relieve pain while swallowing.

Source : From Various Sources

Options to Overcome Impaired Tea Light on Body

Of the thousands of types of tea in the world, each offers useful benefits for the body. Even the herbal tea, which is a concoction of roots, flowers, leaves, seeds, or dried fruit, also produces a drink that can relieve a variety of health problems. Had a minor problem that often you experience everyday? Try relieve some types of tea.

If your stomach is bloated
Make peppermint tea. Peppermint relaxes the muscles that cause abdominal cramps, according to Peggy Kotsopoulos, nutrition expert and show host Peggy K's Kitchen Cures. Peppermint tea can also help reduce flatulence that causes bloating, and diarrhea.

If you have to get up early
Select yerba mate tea. Yerba mate is a South American plant and processed into green tea. "This type of tea has the highest caffeine content of all teas, even compared to a cup of coffee," said Kotsopoulos. Yerba mate also contains substances that stimulate the nervous system, increasing alertness and recover energy.

If your throat is inflamed
Drinking tea liquorice (licorice). The plant is often used as liquorice peppermint lozenges. "Liquorice could ease the mucous membranes in the throat," he explained. Additionally, liquorice also has its anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce swelling and irritation.

If you want to relax
Sips of chamomile tea. To enjoy chamomile tea, you do not have to visit the cafe for tea bags with chamomile variants are widely available in supermarkets. Chamomile itself contains chemical compounds called chrysin, who worked relaxes tense muscles. Thus, this tea can help you to sleep naturally. Drink 45 minutes before you go to bed, or anytime you want to calm down.

Sumber :

Tips Must Stay Healthy While Staying up late / overtime

Working overtime until midnight often makes body fit and easy to get sick. When you have to stay up, either because of overtime work until the early hours, preparing for tomorrow's event or for watching live football, then your body will automatically do not fit or feel lethargic. The impact of sleep deprivation is impaired productivity, because the body becomes fitter and brain concentration. It also can lead to depression which would interfere with your activities as well.

So how to keep your body to stay fresh after staying up all night?
Consider the following tips:

1. Drink Water. Water is very needed by the body. With water, toxins can come out and keep the body fresh. Since you'll be staying up late, your body less time to rest, it would be prudent if you reduce beverages like coffee, so that the performance of the body becomes lighter.

2. Napping enough. To "patch" shortage hours of sleep, you can take a nap for a while. Work during breaks, nap about 15-20 minutes can be your helper.

3. Healthy Food. Will greatly help your body to restore freshness. Minimal you eat fresh fruit, or a variation, you can juice.

4. Perform Sport Lightweight
Many people have proven that physical activity is an effective solution to overcome drowsiness. Exercise makes the body more alert, so do not feel sleepy. If you're still sleepy, push-ups 50 times can make the body back in shape.

5. Drinking Coffee
The caffeine contained in coffee and energy drinks is not a natural solution to keep you awake, because manipulating organ systems work. But while not consumed in excess, the beverage proved to be quite effective at keeping rhythm all night. Try not to cause addiction, and new should be taken when the sleep is really unbearable.

So earlier posting tips and tricks at this time to review about Tips Staying Healthy While Staying up often for the Companions. Hopefully this article useful.

Source: From various sources

Lowering Cholesterol Naturally Without Statins

Are you part of the sizable number of Americans today who take statins or cholesterol-lowering drugs? Here is information you should never ignore: medications like statin drugs deplete your coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) reserves. CoQ10 is produced in the same pathway that statins work to lower cholesterol. This makes CoQ10 supplementation while on statins highly necessary.

However, you probably do not need statins at all, unless you have a genetic defect called familial hypercholesterolemia, which makes you resistant to traditional markers of measuring cholesterol. You are better off with natural ways of optimizing cholesterol.

Safely, Naturally, and Effectively Managing Cholesterol

It is vital that you understand the mechanism of action of statins if you are taking them or planning to. They usually work by reducing an enzyme in your liver, which reduces your production of cholesterol and CoQ10 at the same time.

If you are over age 40, you are highly recommended to take ubiquinol, the reduced form of coenzyme Q10. It is absorbed far more effectively by your body.

Probably the most urgent step to take is to naturally optimize your cholesterol, so that you can be spared from statins and the over 900 documented side effects that they have.

There are simply and basic strategies that can assist you in regulating your cholesterol. For starters, though, you must understand that simply lowering your dietary cholesterol intake is simply not effective. This is because 75 percent of your cholesterol is produced by your liver, which your insulin levels influence. If you optimize your insulin levels, you therefore regulate your cholesterol as well.

Among the most profoundly influential ways to do so is regular exercise and playing close attention to your diet. Foods that increase your insulin also have a share in high cholesterol, because it makes your liver produce more.

Here are main recommendations for safely lowering and regulating your cholesterol:

  1. Exercise regularly.
  2. Reduce and eventually eliminate grains and sugars from your diet.
  3. Eat according to your nutritional type.
  4. Eat a good portion of your food raw.
  5. Ensure that you are getting plenty of high-quality, animal-based omega-3 fats, preferably from krill oil.
  6. Avoid excessive alcohol and smoking.
  7. Address your emotional challenges.

On CoQ10 Supplementation

If you decide to continue taking statins, you should also take a high-quality CoQ10 supplement, which is taken by about 53 percent of Americans today (according to a 2012 Consumer Lab survey).

CoQ10 is the fifth most popular supplement in the United States. To get the beneficial form, though, your body must be able to convert CoQ10 to ubiquinol, which makes you absorb CoQ10 that is already in the active state your body needs. Ubiquinol has been widely touted more effective than CoQ10, with research showing that it may actually provide far superior CoQ10 benefits.

CoQ10 can be found in certain dietary sources. These include fish, organ meats (heart, liver, and kidney), and whole grain germs. However, you must know that food concentrations are not well-documented, which means it will be difficult for you to gauge how much of the nutrient you can get from food alone. Therapeutic levels of CoQ10 may then be difficult to achieve from food alone.

If you are below age 25, your system is able to convert CoQ10 from the oxidized to the reduced form. It is more and more unable, though, to convert the oxidized CoQ10 to ubiquinol as you get older. Other factors are at play in this conversion process.

So, again, if you are past 40, it is best to take ubiquinol.

There have been no documented side effects of CoQ10 supplementation, with overdose almost unheard of in scientific literature. And if you are taking ubiquinol, here is some cost-saving information: there is a patent on it, which means every brand has to buy from the sole company. Choose a reputable, trustworthy company for your CoQ10/ubiquinol formula.

Betina Loyola is a health blogger who pays special attention to natural supplementation. She has always promoted CoQ10 benefits on her blog, as well as factors to consider in choosing the best supplement formula out there.

What Is CoQ10?

While researchers continue to learn more about the benefits of CoQ10 supplements and the various ways in which antioxidant-rich CoQ10 can improve the health and wellness of people who take it, studies are also revealing some CoQ10 limitations.

In order to understand CoQ10 limitations, it is important to know what this substance is. This naturally-occurring substance is a fat-soluble cellular enzyme and antioxidant that is found throughout the human body. It can also be manufactured in a laboratory environment for inclusion in CoQ10 supplements like Ubiquinone. This enzyme works within the body, helping to break down food into usable energy while the antioxidant part of CoQ10 combats the negative effect of free radicals within the body by neutralizing them.

CoQ10 Effects on Cholesterol

According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, CoQ10 is "Possibly ineffective" for reducing high cholesterol. This CoQ10 limitation is important to note, since many people associate this vitamin-like supplement with reducing cardiovascular issues and therefore assume it also works to reduce high cholesterol, a known risk factor for heart disease, stroke and heart attacks.

While taking a CoQ10 dietary supplement has been proven to reduce the negative side effects of prescription medications that are designed to lower cholesterol levels (known as statins), the actual supplement has not been shown to have any impact whatsoever on cholesterol levels.

Other CoQ10 Limitations

As doctors and scientists continue to explore the benefits of taking a CoQ10 dietary supplement daily, regularly monitoring which conditions can be effectively treated with CoQ10 products like Ubiquinone is important. The U.S. National Library of Medicine has listed a number of medical conditions, illnesses and diseases for which CoQ10 may be effective, however, there is insufficient evidence right now to actually rate this effectiveness.

Some of the conditions that CoQ10 has been used for include fibromyalgia, fatigue and lyme disease. Researchers believe that the supplement may help to support cellular health and counteract the inflammatory effect of free radicals within the body, leading to a reduction in overall pain-causing inflammation.

Using CoQ10 supplements as a treatment continues to be controversial for a number of health conditions such as breast cancer, male infertility and angina. It is also being used on an experimental level to help cocaine addicts reduce their drug dependence and some athletes have used CoQ10 products in an effort to improve their athletic performance.

In spite of these CoQ10 limitations, researchers agree that this powerful supplement is effective in both the prevention and treatment of migraine headaches. It has also shown promise in the reduction of symptoms of neurological diseases like Parkinson's, while some patients with muscular dystrophies report an overall improvement in their health and wellness when taking CoQ10 supplements. It is important to note that CoQ10 is widely considered to be a safe product, with very few negative side effects reported by those who use CoQ10 supplements. As with all medications, it is important to consult with a medical provider before choosing to take CoQ10.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Oral Diseases and Your Health

Oral Diseases and Health

Oral diseases not only affect mouth to mouth area, but impact in various parts of the human body, so it is important to have good hygiene to ensure the elimination of bacteria.

For people, it is very important to have a healthy white smile, but when not properly care for infections can appear uncomfortable. In here you will familiar with the most common diseases of oral health.

Oral Diseases and Your Health

Oral Caries:
A crack in the teeth is caused by food acids decaying. It affects more than 90% of the world population.Regularly recorded on the outside, but if not treated in time, can affect the nerve, causing severe pain and loss of tooth. The poor oral hygiene and sugary food intake favor its appearance.

Oral Gingivitis:

Gingivitis is generated by improper brushing, poor flossing and smoking involves the inflammation of the gums caused by an infection (bacteria) or the accumulation of plaque and tartar. If not attended to in time, can affect the bone and become a periodontitis.

Its symptoms include bleeding, swelling, redness, sensitivity to cold and bad breath.

Oral Diseases and Your Health


Periodontists is a progressive infection of the gums and bone loss around the teeth, which causes the release of teeth.

Most cases result from prolonged accumulation of plaque and calculus on teeth. Its main symptoms are intense redness of the gums, pain and inflammation without eating or light bleeding during brushing.

Oral Cancer:

When there is no proper cleaning, your mouth can harbor many germs and bacteria that cause this type of oral disease. It manifests from any sores, inflammation or ulceration last long.

Some risk factors that trigger the disease are: smoking, alcohol, diet deficient in vitamins A, E, C and iron, a viral infection or excessive sun exposure.


Poor oral hygiene, tooth decay and smoking are the causes of bad breath in adults. It is important to visit the dentist to make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Experts Recommendation:

Oral experts recommend avoiding sweets and sugary drinks, eating a balanced diet, brush twice a day with quality tooth brush and tooth paste in proper ways, flossing and regular visits to the dentist for a check-up.

Food Reward Friday

This week's winner: poutine!

While not as appetizing looking as the Monster Thickburger, poutine is probably more popular. For those who aren't familiar, poutine is a large plate of French fries, topped with gravy and cheese curds. It originated in Quebec, but has become popular throughout Canada and in the Northern US.

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

What causes mental illnesses

What causes mental illnessesA variety of factors can affect the mental illness, the list can be very long. Treatment of mental illness, respectively, appointed depending on the cause. Very often, a number of mental disorders is inherited, and if a few children get sick a disease, then we can talk about hereditary.
Some mental illnesses arise as a result of a number of environmental factors, that is stress situations, use of drugs, Global changes in human life. Frequently observed in patients who have already emerged mental disease, an imbalance in the chemical composition of the brain. They become either hypersensitive or in their body produces an excess of a substance known as dopamine. Dopamine is the nejrotransmitterom, a substance through which the brain is able to transfer information from cell to cell. If there is an imbalance of dopamine in the body, the brain unpredictable reaction that leads to Manius or hallucinations.
Treatment of mental illness may well be successful, if we determine the source of the disease. After all, mental illness, the list of which is very large, and most also have a different nature. Established that the inhabitants of those countries where fish is low intakes of depression is more common. It makes a great contribution to the development of a lack of folic acid, omega-3, selenium and the amino acid tryptophan. A lack of fat and antioxidant vitamins play a role in the development of such diseases as schizophrenia.

Mental illnesses and symptoms
Products that are useful for the brain: 
vegetables, especially leafy;
seeds and nuts;
whole grain; 
wheat germ;
fish, especially fatty.

Products, harmful to the brain: 
junk-food products refried;
the technological processing of foods; 
tea and coffee; 
some supplements.

The prevalence of mental disorders 
Is well known that one in a hundred people in the world suffers from mental illness. For the first time, these disorders occur in adolescence, and in the period from 20 to 30 years. These disorders occur equally in men and women.

Emotional health for kids. Emotional health definition

Emotional health for kidsParenting - a complex process. For a child up emotionally healthy, you need to constantly monitor it and to notice the slightest deviations in behavior. Emotionally supportive environment is necessary for the normal development of the baby. At present, it seems that the lack of human warmth in the future is reflected in the child's development. In the event that a child grows up in an atmosphere of love and understanding, then it is usually no problem in communicating with others.
In dysfunctional families often emotionally grow up so-called difficult children.
You can say with confidence that the majority of the children feel maternal mood. If the mother is experiencing stresses situation, this is, of course, Affects the condition of the child: deteriorating sleep, the child may even abandon food. In this situation the mother should try to overcome irritability, Otherwise, central nervous system of the child would suffer greatly. It has been observed that, in children, Who grew up in the atmosphere, in the further slows down not only mental, But and physical development.
It can be defined and on physical appearance of the child. In medicine such condition refers to as a delay of pace of mental progress.
Risk of deterioration of such condition is that the future of the child may grow indifferent to others ' suffering person, so at that age a child should be given more attention. At the moment it has been proved that the mother's emotional state affects the child's development in the period of intrauterine development. When a child waiting with joy, he grows more prepared for life.
From all of the foregoing, it should be noted, that the environment, The conditions of child education largely predetermine the further destiny.

Some parents think that if a child is too small and is not aware of what his parents say, and you should not rush to his upbringing. However, we know that the tab character begins long before the birth of the child, and behavioral stereotype formed in infancy. All children are different in temperament. However, if the child is often capricious, most of all, in his education were made some mistakes.
Continuous adjustment of the educational action largely avoids deviant forms of behaviour that are often seen in puberty. If a child's mood is changing every minute, this is not a sign of emotional instability. This phenomenon is associated above all with the baby still does not know how to own your feelings. That is why he can spend hours playing quietly or, conversely, are rapidly running through the House, destroying everything in its path.
Observation may explain why parents always caprice child. Maybe he was tired or starting to develop some disease. However, parents cannot always explain the emotional instability of the child. First of all you should not get upset with time everything will come back to normal. Another thing, if the emotional instability is repeated day after day.
In this case, just need to see a specialist, who, along with friends and family can help children overcome emotional discomfort. Experiencing difficult situations with your child, you only have to bring their words and actions, as is often the case that the mother gives some behaviors, and my father - the other.
t is recommended to arrange the scandals when not child, because at this age, the baby still cannot determine who is to blame, and so in this confusion, a child often becomes nervous and irritable. In the upbringing of the child is not allowed to resort to shouts of � and intimidation. In protest, the child is shielded from the outside world, which leads to neurotic disorders.
Emotional health definition
Kid express their protest in different forms: for every request he replies in the negative, in some cases, rolls his tantrum, throws herself on the floor, pounding his head. Makes no sense to punish the child in this State, it will only exacerbate the situation. A better solution would be to try to calm him down, so he relaxed.
In any case, deviant behavior can be overcome by persuasion, and if they are the result of improper training, you should take steps to correct them. At this age, the child is interested in almost everything that surrounds it. For it is not enough just to hear and see, he needs tactile sensations.
The child wants to smash and destroy everything. Kid that age actively develops not only physically but also mentally. For example, often see a picture I saw some baby toy, but can not get it. He begins to think how to implement it, and reaches the goal.
By the end of the third year of life the child can already concentrate. This is reflected in the fact that if he became interested in something, it is hard to draw. It is better not to do that, as the child needs to know that his occupation - worthwhile and important. Parents should keep in mind that you can not ever make a baby. At this age, it is desirable to limit persuasion to influence the child's feelings.
Kids this age are distinguished by rich imagination. So, while playing an ordinary stick rider can become for him the horse. Better treat such acts of imagination, because seriously misunderstood by adults of the world of a child may lead to changes in the psyche. Shop a-toy-it's the .ru is the realm of toys.

Causes and How to Eliminate Mouth Odor (Halitosis)

Never had a problem with bad breath? Certainly makes you less confident right! Moreover, during the fasting month as they are now. Although bad breath when fasting is worth the reward, but still quite uncomfortable.

Actually what causes bad breath?

Bad breath occurs due to the sulfur content in the breath. Halitosis can be caused by many things, namely:
Poor oral hygiene, so much so that the number of bacteria in the mouth and on the tongue. Without good oral cleaning, food waste is left in the mouth and a suitable environment for the bacteria to multiply which will cause odor in the mouth. In addition, the rest of the food that sticks to the teeth, gums, and tongue will cause gingivitis (gum inflammation) and tooth decay, thereby increasing bad breath and bad taste in the mouth.

Denture Cleaning unfavorable.
Dentures are not cleaned very well cause a buildup of food debris and bacteria on the surface of the denture causing the unpleasant smell.
Gum disease or periodontal tissue (tissue supporting the teeth).
Systemic disease. Bad breath can be a symptom of certain diseases, such as respiratory infections, digestive disorders, diabetes, or liver disorders.
Xerostomia (dry mouth).
The use of some specific drugs can cause a dry mouth, particularly drugs for depression and high blood pressure. Xerostomia can also be caused by abnormalities in the salivary glands resulting in the production of saliva decreases. In addition, the habit of breathing through the mouth can also cause mouth tends to be dry.

How to cure bad breath?

The easiest way to eliminate bad breath during fasting course diligently clean your teeth, especially after eating a meal. Because after 30 minutes of not eating, mouth acidity increases because the residual acid is not removed. In addition to maintaining healthy teeth and mouth, here are some tips to overcome bad breath:

1. Brush your teeth twice a day, in the morning after breakfast and at night before bed.
2. Make flossing once a day to remove plaque and food debris that lodged in the crevice between teeth.
3. Cleaning the surface of the tongue on a regular basis. This can be done using a soft toothbrush or gauze.
4. Use an anti-bacterial mouthwash to reduce the growth of bacteria in the mouth, such as mouthwash containing chlorhexidine. Make a consultation with your dentist to use the mouthwash.
5. Scaling (cleaning of tartar).
6. Repair and Patching teeth cavities.
7. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol
8. In certain cases of xerostomia, the dentist will probably give artificial saliva. Drink plenty of water and consumption of vegetables and fruits.
9. Make regular visits to the dentist every 6 months for routine control and cleanup.
10. Consult your doctor if halitosis associated with systemic disease.
11. Increase consumption of water.
12. Increase consumption of fruits repellent bad breath like apples, yam and carrots.

Here's an additional way to treat bad breath naturally:

- Cloves (3-5 seeds)
- Water (to taste)

Take 3-5 cloves flower seeds. Brewed with enough water for about 5 minutes, then chill. Use this water to rinse.

Hopefully all the tips to overcome and eliminate bad breath can be more than useful for those who have bad breath odors.

Source: From various sources

How to Stop smoking

There are a million reasons and benefits you should stop smoking. You need to know the benefits of quitting smoking can be directly felt by the body. For example, within 20 minutes after smoking, blood pressure and your pulse rate will return to normal.

After three days of not smoking, the nicotine is no longer detectable in the blood, the sense of smell returns to normal, and you can breathe more easily. Within 2 to 12 weeks after a complete stop smoking, the circulation in various parts of your body will gradually improve.

After that, the body will feel more fit and healthy. Intend to quit smoking, but never succeeded, try it this way!

1. Begin to reduce the desire to smoke. Strong desire (duration 2-3 minutes) usually occurs a few hours after you've finished the last cigarette. Indeed, the drive was only a moment, but the moment it is key to be able to quit smoking.

Try doing an activity to eliminate the desire, for example, took a deep breath, stand up and walk for a while, spread arms, drink a glass of water or fruit juice.

2. Chili may reduce the desire to smoke. Actually, there are no foods that can stop smoking for granted. But, if to distract your mind from smoking, spicy foods worth trying.

3. If you want to quit smoking, stop completely. Do not reduce the number of stalks or switch to a lighter cigarette nicotine (mild). Because it makes you suck replacement mild cigarette was deeper, and absorb more nicotine into the lungs.

4. Do not force quit on the holidays, because it would make life harder when you start again to regular activity. Instead, start stop smoking on weekdays.

5. Before getting your period, you should not stop smoking. You see, if you are experiencing stomach cramps or moody, craving for a cigarette even greater.

6. Ask your spouse, friends, and family not to smoke around you. Say, it is one form of support so that you can stop smoking. [Alert]

7. Perform therapeutic nicotine
When you quit smoking, nicotine can make you feel frustrated, depressed, anxious or angry. Nicotine replacement therapy can help overcome this problem. Studies show nicotine gum and lozenges can help double your chances of quitting smoking, if done intensively. But be careful, use a product like this, smoking is not recommended.

8. Control stress properly
One reason people smoke is that the nicotine can help a person to be more relaxed. After quitting smoking, you have to find other ways to cope with stress, such as a massage, listen to relaxing music, or take a yoga class. If possible, you should avoid stressful situations during the first week when you start to quit smoking.

9. Avoid alcohol and other smoking triggers
Certain activities can increase your desire to smoke. Alcohol is one of the most common triggers, so try to minimize it. If coffee makes you want to smoke, switch to tea for a few weeks. And if you used to smoke after eating, find other ways to avoid such as chewing gum or brushing your teeth

10. Know the reasons to quit smoking
If you want to quit the habit of smoking, you should know why. Is it because of the adverse effects brought about by smoking, want to look younger or because you want to protect your family from secondhand smoke. Choose a very strong reason to beat the temptation to smoke.

Source: From various sources

Body Shaping Tip Sixpack, Without Having to GYM

Usually there are two kinds of people desire to tighten the abdominal muscles, one would like to establish sixpack stomach just a second so it looks like a flat stomach alone but have a very strong stomach muscles. people who have a form of muscular sixpack not necessarily have a strong stomach, it may be hard to say yes but not strong.

To get Six Pack body, the first thing that is important is the motivation palingg. And the effort will produce satisfactory results, because discipline is necessary to forge a body that ideal.

Well, yangg exercise needs to be done to set up a six pack without going to the GYM is as follows:

1.Sit up (exercise for the upper abdominal muscles)
Sit down and bend your legs dikarpet, Cross your arms across his chest. Tighten your stomach, then lower the body down, hold briefly, then returned to its original position. Do not make a move until his back touched the floor. Do the movement slow and controlled. When returning to the starting position and the abdominal muscles are tightened still feel pressure on your abdominal muscles as the body position near thigh.
For pennies can try 15-50 reps depending how loe times but unable to set I do not have too much.

2.Leg raises (Exercise for lower abdominal muscles)
Lie on a flat bench and hold hands at the end of the bench behind your head. With your feet slightly bent, raise your legs to form a 45 degree angle. Hold briefly and then slowly return to starting position. Keep your feet are not touching the bench.

3.Side to side (Exercise for side abdominal muscles)
Stand up straight with both hands holding the dumbbell. Position your arms straight at your sides. Slowly move your body to the left side of the stomach muscles to feel the pressure. Hold briefly, returning to the starting position. Slowly move your body to the right side of the stomach muscles to feel the pressure. Return to the starting position. When the body moves to the side guard to keep the body upright and not bending or leaning forward.
"Be careful not too tired and avoid the burden is too heavy, because if it is too heavy can cause injury to the waist."

do regularly wrote three movements. And do not forget to watch your diet (not too much and not too little anyway), important contain carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Expand also eat fruits and vegetables .

Source : From All Variouse

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Coenzyme Q10 Supplements Keep You Vibrantly Healthy

Do you have less energy these days? Do you find yourself stressed out, fatigued and not enjoying life to the fullest any longer? You're definitely not alone; millions of people around the world suffer from chronic illness, fatigue, stress and a myriad of other health problems. It could be that your body isn't producing enough Coenzyme Q10. As you age, your body produces less of this essential substance, and can cause all kinds of problems over time.

What is Coenzyme Q10?

Coenzyme Q10, or just Q10, is a natural occurring substance that is present in the majority of cells in the human body. It is a very powerful antioxidant and fat-soluble enzyme that converts food into energy. It plays a vital role in how your cells function. Free radicals cause cells to die, damage the cell membranes and can alter DNA. These free radicals come from various sources including the food you eat, pollution and the environment. Q10 works to neutralize these free radicals to prevent or slow down the damage they can cause.

What is Ubiquinol Q10?

Your body produces coenzyme Q10 and then converts it to Ubiquinol, its active form. This nutrient is essential for cellular energy. It is the major component of your body's ability to produce energy, providing natural and sustained energy from within. Ubiquinol Q10 also provides extra antioxidant protection that normal Q10 cannot provide. Further, it protects your heart and other vital organs from damage due to free radicals. Health care experts believe that free radicals in the body can lead to certain types of cancer.

After the age of 30, your body can no longer produce Q10 and convert it to Ubiquinol in the quantities that it used to. Ubiquinol Q10 supplements helps to restore optimal levels which results in better overall health. It's not just age that can deplete these levels; some prescription medications can also alter the quantity of Coenzyme Q10 that is produced by your body.

Health Benefits of Ubiquinol Q10

A Q10 supplement has many health benefits, including:

  • Slows the aging process
  • Can help reduce cholesterol levels
  • Increases energy
  • Reduces Fatigue
  • Reduces stress
  • Supports vital organs, including the heart and liver
  • Controls free radical damage
The Difference between Coenzyme Q10 and Ubiquinol Q10

Ubiquinol Q10 provides antioxidant protection to the body that coenzyme Q10 can't. Ubiquinol is one of the strongest antioxidants, and works very hard to fight the free radicals and protect cells against damage. Clinical studies have revealed that Ubiquinol Q10 is more easily absorbed than conventional Q10.

Is Ubiquinol Q10 Right For You?

While there are many health benefits to taking coenzyme Q10 supplements, the only ones who should decide whether it's right for you are you and your doctor. Discuss your questions and concerns with your health care professional and together make the decision on whether or not to start taking the supplements.

It's important to understand that you will not see results right away. This is not a quick-fix or a magical cure for anything.

Thanks for reading this post by slobac. A professional in various topics reading health. For more informaion on Coenzyme q10 be sure to check back next week.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Damage Or Loss Of Eyesight

Partially or completely losing your eyesight can lead to a drastically affected lifestyle.  In all likelihood you will have to give up work for at least a short amount of time and your day to day living is going to suffer.  The injustice of having your sight robbed by the carelessness of somebody else leads to hundreds of personal injury claims a year for those who suffer from such an unfortunate circumstance.  Whilst it’s not something people think about in their day to day lives, we can exercise an awareness to lessen the chances of a disaster.


There are a number of ways in which we can have our eyesight damaged and the least common type is a blow to the eye.  Your natural defence mechanism as a human is to close your eyes and to throw your arms up to protect your face when you’re expecting a blow or collision and this is normally enough to ward off the danger.

Far more common is a foreign body causing the damage.  This can include chemicals and harmful liquids which is more of a risk than people think.  The lack of proper protection in labs and dangerous environments is a leading cause of this problem, but even seemingly innocent liquids like household cleaning products and beauty items can cause permanent impairment.

Foreign bodies also come in the form of debris, grit, sand and dirt.  Those working on construction sites and with grinding materials should always be wearing solid eye protection, as shrapnel and flying objects can easily become lodged in the eye.  The scratching of the cornea is the danger here, as your eyeball becomes unprotected and open to infection.

One of the more infrequent but just as dangerous causes of sight impairment can involve no contact with the eye whatsoever.  Head injuries can manifest themselves as problems elsewhere in the body if nerves and brain cells/stems suffer harm.  The severing or damage of nerves linked to the eyes can permanently destroy somebody’s sight, whilst their eyes are perfectly healthy.

Personal Injury Claims

Along with paralysis and brain damage, damaged eyesight is one of the big pay outs in the personal injury business.     The impact that the loss of eyesight can have on your lifestyle is significant, from interrupting your social confidence to completely inhibiting your ability to work and earn money for yourself.  Personal injury lawyers and the courts are sympathetic toward this and as a result, the average pay out of eyesight related claims can be much higher than less severe injuries. 

Xanax Addiction and Treatment

Xanax addiction is a devastating, complicated dependency that often comes with unique challenges. For most people who are addicted to a substance, they made an initial choice to consume a substance they knew to be addicting, such as heroin or methamphetamine. Many Xanax addicts, however, first took the anti-anxiety medication as prescribed by a doctor to manage their mental illness. Over time, they began to abuse the prescription and develop a physical dependency on Xanax. Even though the path to addiction may be different, a Xanax dependency is similar to that of other dependencies. It can tear apart families, cause atypical behavior, and impact performance at school and work.

Xanax is a prescription medication that can only be legally obtained through a doctor’s prescription. It is the brand name for the generic medication alprazolam, which is a part of a family of drugs called benzodiazepines. Other popular brand names for benzodiazepines include Klonopin, Valium, and Ativan. These medications are anti-anxiety medications and are prescribed for people with anxiety disorders, such as panic attacks and generalized anxiety.

Many people with anxiety disorders are prescribed Xanax and safely take the medication without becoming addicted. The medication helps them live better, functional lives. One study published in a journal called Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry found that only around 12% of people who were prescribed Xanax for anxiety disorders ever began abusing it. Following a doctor’s direction to take a certain medication every day is not considered abuse, even if it means physical withdrawals occur when the medication is not taken. When people start disregarding their doctor’s instructions and taking a medication more frequently or in higher doses, they may have an addiction.

No one can know for sure why some people begin to abuse Xanax while others can take it as prescribed without any problem. Genetics is now known to play a role in addiction, so those with a family history of alcoholism or other addiction may be at greater risk. In a study of young women published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, women with alcoholic parents reported feeling more euphoric after taking Xanax than those with non-addicted parents. Likewise, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry reported that alcoholics felt more euphoria after taking Xanax than those with no history of alcoholism. It’s impossible to tell for sure, however, who will develop an addiction to Xanax. When a patient takes Xanax, their anxiety is alleviated, but it comes back (or "rebounds") after the drug wears off. This cycle of relief and rebound may contribute to how widespread Xanax addiction has become.

Withdrawals from Xanax can be quite severe and include seizures, vomiting, panic attacks, and insomnia. Many people feel more anxiety than ever before while the drug is leaving their systems. It’s important for heavily addicted users to withdraw in a medically supervised environment. After that phase, some people can utilize an outpatient program to stay drug-free. Others need a residential rehabilitation center where they can focus fully on recovery. It’s important to find an addiction center that understands that Xanax addiction and anxiety are two separate, legitimate problems that both need attention and treatment. 

Lillian Sanders is a freelance writer from Florida. She enjoys writing article on health and wellness. Aside from writing, Lillian works closely with drug treatment programs helping people struggling with addiction.

Overcoming Insomnia Or Sleep Hard

Health Info this time on how to Overcome Insomnia, but first we will give a broad knowledge about insomnia. Insomnia is the perception of where a person was not getting enough sleep or poor quality sleep experience resulting feeling unfit during or after waking.

Insomnia is often caused by the use of certain substances or medications eg, coffee, alcohol, antidepressants, etc.. Besides insomnia can also be a symptom of various psychiatric disorders from mild to severe, eg depression, anxiety, or spikosis (mental disorder sufferers difficult to distinguish between reality and fantasy).

Insomnia is divided into three types:

1. Type transient (fast pass), this type of insomnia a few nights just happen
2. Types of short-term insomnia lasts for several weeks and will usually return to normal
3. Types of chronic (severe), type of insomnia is a sleep disorder that can not last more than 3 weeks.

Causes of insomnia include:

1. Psychological factors of prolonged stress most often the cause of chronic insomnia types, while bad news, failed plan can be a cause of transient insomnia.
2. Psychiatry Depression is the most common problem found. You wake up earlier than usual, you do not want, is the most common symptoms of early depression, Anxiety, Neorosa, and other psychological disorders are often the cause of sleep disturbance.
3. Physical Pain Shortness of breath in people who have asthma, sinus, flu so that congestion can be a cause of disturbance tidur.Selama physical causes or physical illness can not cope with it well, sleep disorders or sleeplessness may occur will be maintained.
4. Environmental factors such as the environment noisy jet trajectory, railway tracks, factories or even a neighbor's TV could be a factor causing insomnia.
5. Lifestyle Alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, weight loss drug, irregular working hours, may also be a factor causing sleeplessness.

As for how to cope with insomnia were:

1. Go to sleep just as much as you need to rest, or to refresh the body on waking.
2. Have a regular sleep schedule and rational
3. Do not work while he was sleeping
4. Make room air was crisp with good ventilation.
5. Reduce the unpleasant sound, less light is needed.
6. Do not sleep with your condition hungry, so it will make you wake up later just to find food.
7. Avoid drinks that contain caffeine, such as coffee, cola, tea and chocolate.
8. Entrust his time on the alarm clock wake you often see at dikamar kamu.Dengan will influence emotional reactions.
9. Light exercise 6 hours before bedtime.
10. Aerobic exercise for 20 minutes can increase body temperature and metabolism and will decrease again about 6 hours later. Decrease in metabolism and body temperature may allow sleep soundly.
11. Eliminate any worries, thoughts about the plan tomorrow, thinking about the task unfinished.

Thus health info on how to treat insomnia or trouble sleeping sickness called may be useful

Source : infokesehatan

Overcoming Dental Pain In Traditional

Overcoming traditional toothache cure is certainly an endeavor that cost is minimal and of course also the risk was minimal if done correctly.

Toothache, anyone would be sad if one day suffer. The advent can sometimes suddenly, especially if the pain persist for days. Eat and sleep seemed uncomfortable. Withstand tremendous pain. And I'm sure most of you will be embracing the expression "better than toothache pain" hehe ...

Before I discuss the traditional recipe to overcome a toothache, it is worthwhile to discuss in advance about what causes toothache? By knowing what causes it then we will be more vigilant and take proper care to prevent it.

In general there are 4 things that cause tooth pain, namely:

1. Dental Caries
Caries is the collective name for tooth decay in enamel, cementum, and dentine (the substance in the middle between the crown and roots). Cavities usually caused by certain bacteria for producing lactic acid from fermented carbohydrates such as sucrose, fructose, and glucose. So do not forget to brush your teeth regularly 2 times a day I'll not be a nest of bacteria that cause cavities. If tooth decay already then it should be treated immediately patched to the doctor to let me not get worse and cause recurrent toothache.

2. Loose teeth
Many of the causes why teeth become loose, such as gum disease (gingivitis, periodontitis), collision accidents, and others that cause tooth pain while chewing food. If the pain is because of this that should get immediate care dentist. Your doctor will know better how the solution will be taken after the first check either directly or based on x-ray.

3. Erosion of gums
If your gums erode over time will expose the roots to become sensitive to food / beverage hot, cold and acid. There are several things that can cause it such as brushing your teeth too hard or because you suffer from gum disease. If the cause because the toothbrush that you use are too harsh or abusive manner you rub the toothbrush should be replaced with a soft bristled brush and change the way of brushing your teeth softer. If the cause is due to gum disease, you should immediately receive dental care.

4. Root canal infection
Infected root canal can be very painful with pain that spreads to other areas of the face and skull. Root canal infection can make the dead tooth should be removed. Maintaining your dead tooth means you have to bear the risk of recurrent toothache and also the risk of subsequent infection that can trigger a variety of other diseases such as cancer, heart disease, rheumatism, diabetes and even abnormalities in the brain.

If one day you are not yet mmeiliki time or cost to go to the dentist when suffering from a toothache, maybe some of these traditional medicines could be a temporary remedy to relieve your toothache pain.

Still, the best solution is to immediately see a doctor. Traditional medication following tooth can only relieve or cure a toothache temporarily not cure it permanently.

1. Clove oil
The trick is to apply clove oil to the tooth cavities because it has the benefit of clove oil antiseptic to kill germs.

2. Garlic
Siapaka.n a clove of garlic and then puree with a little salt, and stick it on the sore spot.

3. Avocado
Prepare the avocado seed tumbuklah until smooth and then sprinkle on the area of ??pain.

4. Shallots
Prepare onion then blend it and then stick it on the sore tooth.

5. Pepper / Pepper
Take 1 teaspoon of pepper powder and mix it with salt. Insert the mixture into a tooth ache or cavities. This herb is also a good remedy toothache and effective way to treat toothache.

6. Peppermint
Take 5 grams of peppermint and boil it in a cup of water with a little salt. You can drink this decoction 2 times a day. It is a good remedy for treating toothache. You can also use a mouthwash containing extracts of peppermint.

7. Asafetida
Asafetida is a pain killer outstanding. Take 1/2 tbsp asafetida and mix it with 1 tablespoon lemon juice. It is an effective remedy for toothache.

8. Treating Toothache with Spinach
Take some fresh leaves of spinach and chew. It helps to make gums strong because it is a natural remedy for toothache.

9. Treating Toothache with Cucumber
Cucumber is the best way to relieve toothache. Take a slice of cucumber and sliced. Enter cucumber potongon gets tooth ache. It also gives effect to relieve toothache. This is one of the best natural remedy for toothache.

10. Treating Toothache with Ice Cubes
Ice has some numbing properties. Take an ice cube and rub it on the sore area for a few minutes. The pain will be reduced due to the excellent in suppressing pain at nerve endings. It is very helpful treatment for toothache. You can also chew ice cubes on the side of the mouth of the sick.

Things to avoid
Sugar intake should be limited because it can have an impact on the dental infection. Snack intake is often harmful to the health of the teeth, and therefore should be avoided.

That was a few ways to treat your illness and all use natural material that is easy to find. May be useful

Source: from various sources

A little about the health for to Technorati

What is health? Surely most people can answer that question, but do they know how the man-made world, with a terrible environment, millions of stress, problems, you can save the most precious thing a man can have.

Positive mental health

There are new ideas about mental health. Thus, according to M. Dzhehod, the structure consists of components such as a positive attitude toward myself; optimal development, growth and self-realization, mental integration (authenticity, congruence), personal autonomy, realistic perception of others, the ability to adequately influence others and etc.
Positive mental health
The concept of 'mental health of the individual' is widely used in humanistic psychology, in which proposed a new concept of 'positive mental health'. The works of Goldstein, Maslow, Rogers, V. Frankl, etc. It is based on a truly human life. Thus, a prominent representative of this trend Maslow, agreeing with K. Goldstein in his latest works 'Psychology of being' and 'outer reaches of the human psyche' notes that pathological mental health problems - neurosis and psychosis, is the consequence of an erroneous, incorrect personal development. Mentally healthy individuals - it is 'people mature, with a high degree of self-actualization' with real life achievements and to develop their personal abilities.
" In his view, mental health indicators are fullness, richness of personality, its potentialities and the pursuit of human values ??- the presence and development of qualities such as acceptance of others, autonomy, spontaneity, intentionality, altruism, creativity, etc. Similar ideas are developed in 'metapsychology' (D. Andreev), logotherapy (V. Frankl), social logotherapy (S.I. Grigoriev, etc.). They believe that the mental is determined by the peculiarities of balance, harmony, vitality person (in terms of individual and social subjectivity) and identity of living space.
Positive mental healthSuch approach leads to other criteria of psychological health. From these positions it provides a possibility of a personal choice and independent progress. To its mechanisms concern: self-knowledge, capacity to decision-making in a direction of the future, readiness for variations and a possibility to allocate alternatives, tendencies, to investigate and make good use of the resources, to bear the responsibility for a made choice, etc. In this regard V. Frankl wrote, that if the person wants to come to itself, its way lays through the world. And these words should affect positive mental health.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Natural Medicines Ulcer Disease

Ulcer disease is a disease caused by excess acid in the stomach that causes irritation / sores in the mucous membranes of the stomach. Acid in the stomach is needed to help grind and digest the food we eat. But if the production of excess acid in the stomach so it causes ulcer disease. Ulcer disease can be caused by our unhealthy lifestyles and irregular as irregular eating, the food was too spicy and oily, smoke, drink coffee / alcohol, stress and even be one of the factors causing ulcers.

Ulcer disease affects many people have high activity, so their lifestyle and irregular eating. Ulcer disease can be known from the characteristics stomach bloating, nausea to vomiting, midriff pain, frequent belching, quickly feel full and hungry.

Ulcer Symptoms

there are 5 signs or symptoms when exposed to gastric
  • Often experience pain and tenderness in the stomach and gut.
  • Abdominal bloating if too late to eat and felt abdominal pain after eating
  • Often accompanied by nausea and sometimes vomiting
  • Frequent belching, especially if in a state of hunger
  • Decreased appetite, pale face, cold sweat and dizziness.
The cause of ulcer disease

there is some reason why ulcers can occur :

  • Unhealthy Lifestyle
  • Irregular eating patterns
  • Eating foods that contain lots of fat will stimulate the production of stomach acid
  • Stress, fatigue, and emotional distress were excessive.
  • Often stayed up late, lack of sleep or insomnia
  • Smoking.
  • Excessive coffee addiction
  • Consuming alcoholic beverages.
  • Certain drugs for long periods of time such as aspirin
  • Bacterium
There are some natural ingredients / herbs that can be used to cure ulcers. In addition to getting natural materials are also free from chemicals that can increase the emergence of new diseases caused by the use of chemicals. Here's Health Tips Natural Medicines Ulcer Disease.

1. Turmeric
Turmeric for ulcer drug, including the most well known natural remedy for treating the ulcer disease. curcumin and curcuminoids (active ingredient of turmeric) as well as essential oils shown to have antioxidant effects, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anticancer so either consumed as a cure for ulcers and other health problems.
Usage: Take 2 segment turmeric, peeled, cleaned and grated turmeric, add lukewarm water and squeeze to take out the juice. Drink twice a day, in the morning before eating and at night before bed.

2. Aloe vera
Aloe vera to ulcer drug, content aloin, aloin-emodin, resins, tannins, and polysaccharides in aloe vera good for treating stomach ulcers. Other active substances identified as Aloctin Aloctin A and B. Aloctin A inhibits secretion of gastric acid and pepsin when given intravenously in mice. Another potent ingredient is Aloin and Anthraquinone that can increase the production of prostaglandins. In addition, aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe vera gel contains bradykinase, which is a source of inflammation enzyme breaker, Bradykinin.
Usage: Peel the skin and aloe vera to clean the mucus is reduced, Boil until cooked (boiling water). Serve by adding honey to lessen the sense of bitterness or juice can also be used to add honey.

3. Plantain
Plantain for ulcer drug, on plantain contained substances that are antitukak ulcer, a high content of pectin in bananas may protect against the effects of gastric mucous membrane of stomach acid.
pengggunaan: select bananas that are old and not yet mature, dry banana by banana peel. cut into small pieces as a way of dried chips (not directly under mathari, aerated enough), after dry powder can make mashed or blender. Take two tablespoons of banana powder, mix with honey, consumption twice a day morning and evening.

4. Green beans
Green beans for heartburn, the content of the green bean can create a thick layer of the stomach and reduce acid levels in labung reduced, which usually causes the Disease ulcer in too banyakknya acid content of the stomach.
use: Clean the green beans, dried by sun-dried, roasted green beans until cooked and then mashed until smooth, Take a Sendak eat green bean powder and mix with warm water, drink three times a day.

5. Goat Milk
Goat's milk for heartburn drugs, drink 200 ml goat milk regularly or when heartburn strikes. Goat's milk is alkaline so as to neutralize excess stomach acid.

That's Health article about a natural remedy for heartburn. Unruk Pregnant women are advised to consume no more than because it can result in less good for the fetus and should consult first with your medical doctor. Ulcer disease can be prevented with regular life lifestyle and healthy food and avoid stress, may be useful.

Source : From Various Sources

How Does An Air Ambulance Service Work?

Accidents and other emergency requirements occur on a continual basis and when somebody needs treatment urgently it is often the case that every second matters greatly. Simply due to how the world is in terms of geographical locations and the considerable distances that separate places it is not always immediately possible to deliver everyone to hospital quickly via an ambulance that travels on the roads. To assist with this constant requirement there are air ambulances that are deployed to reach people as quickly as possible and to take them to the closest hospital as safely and as swiftly as they can.


Although it may be suggested that the way in which an air ambulance reaches their destinations is not at all similar to how a road ambulance does, the tasks of the paramedics involved does not change hugely. This is evidenced by the fact that there are many paramedics who have undertaken both air and road ambulance duties during their career. The paramedics also help out the pilot in the respect of identifying the quickest and safest route as well as getting involved in other key tasks. You can appreciate just how multi-functional an air ambulance paramedic’s role is when you consider that they also have to get involved with such duties as keeping in contact with staff at the hospital and those in charge of air traffic control, to name but two.

Type of transportation

You can find air ambulances that use helicopters as well as those that use different types of aircraft such as a Learjet. In the types of air ambulances that are smaller than their road-travelling equivalents all of the necessary equipment and facilities are condensed into the space on board. In terms of how many patients are permitted to be on board an air ambulance at any one time this can vary. You can find those that allow just one or two to be on board whereas some others can accommodate more than ten patients.

The biggest reasons behind why an air ambulance would be used in a situation is when the location that a patient has to be taken from is unreachable by road or when it is deemed extremely important to cut down the amount of journey time for the well-being of those requiring treatment. An air ambulance service can cover an area of a few thousand square-feet and they always check over the patient when they reach the scene before making a decision on which hospital to go to.