Thursday, January 31, 2013

How to Eliminate Body Odor Naturally

Many factors cause body odor, such as heredity, excess weight, hormonal factors, body hygiene, mental development, smoking and alcohol. Unhealthy lifestyles also affect body odor cause the less savory. If so start doing a clean lifestyle and regular, 2 times a day obligatory shower to minimize body odor.

Incidence Causes Body Odor

  • Propionic acid or propanoic acid that smells like vinegar and is the result of the decomposition of perspiration by Propionibacteria, a type of bacteria that live in the human sebaceous gland duct adults and adolescents.
  • Isovalerik acid produced by the bacteria staphylococcus epidermidis, which smells like cheese spread.

Any imbalance in the body following can increase acid production that causes body odor:

  • Dietary imbalance. Magnesium or zinc deficiency and too much consumption of meat, foods that contain lots of choline (eggs, liver, fish, and beans), onion, garlic, jengkol, certain spicy foods, coffee and alcohol, fried and fatty foods can cause odor body.
  • Emotional stress. Apocrine sweat glands are usually a lot more when you are experiencing emotional stress (anger, fear, joy). If not take a bath, the bacteria will break down substances that cause body odor.
  • Hormonal turmoil. Androgen hormones in children who are undergoing puberty can increase the production of apocrine glands.
  • Genetic abnormalities. Certain people are genetically predisposed to have a strong body odor. A rare genetic disorder trimetilaminuria (trimethyl amine in the urine), characterized by a fishy odor on the breath, sweat and urine. The syndrome is caused by a defect in an enzyme that breaks down trimethyl-amine, a byproduct of protein digestion released by bacteria in the gut.
  • Disease. Some diseases can cause bad body odor. One of the most common diseases that can cause body odor is diabetes. This is especially true when a person is poorly controlled blood sugar that develops a condition called ketoacidosis. This condition not only causes body odor but also a distinctive breath odor. Bad body odor can also be a sign of liver disease or severe kidney in which the body is unable to process and remove certain toxins. This condition can be confirmed by blood tests that measure kidney and liver function. Sometimes, an overactive thyroid can also cause body odor problem because of the tendency of patients to excessive sweating.

In addition, many people are hooked  Body odor with food that we eat, as for foods that can trigger the body odor include:

Some Foods that cause body odor:

1. Spices
Spices with a strong aroma when ingested will generally produce sulfur gas is absorbed by the blood and eliminated through the lungs and skin pores. This causes bad breath and body odor. Examples of these foods are garlic, onion, and curry.

2. Red Meat
It took a long time to digest red meat. When the undigested food, toxins and release foul-smelling gases that are responsible for the smell of sweat. A study published in the Chemical conclude, women judge men who do not consume meat more fun, more interesting, and less experienced body odor than men who eat meat.

3. Alcohol and Caffeine
Although alcohol and caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate, soda, etc.) has become a habit, by limiting these drinks, your body will feel more fresh and odorless.

4. Processed Food & Junk Food
Consumption of processed foods is too much salt / sugar, flour, hydrogenated oils, and so forth, will tend to rot in the stomach, thus producing unwanted breath and body odor.

5. Low Carbs
Cutting the carbs lead to excess intake of foods rich in protein. It can help you burn fat deposits in the body. However, this process releases ketones into your bloodstream that makes your sweat smell bad.

6. Dairy Products
Dairy products are also rich in protein, which when broken down in your stomach, causing hydrogen sulfide and methyl mercaptan stench triggers.

7. Choline
Foods rich in choline provide can make you sweat like the smell of fish. Some people, who can not digest food easily, "smells fishy." Examples of such foods are eggs, liver, fish, and nuts.

8. Fried
Fats and oils in foods that are fried and fatty foods become rancid over time, and can lead to poor digestion. It also causes bad body odor.

9. Tobacco
Cigarette smoke mingled with other elements and out through the sweat glands will cause a distinctive odor. Even after quitting smoking, the smell will stay in your body within weeks.

10. Trimethylamine
Some people have a genetic abnormality known as trimethylaminuria. In this condition, the body is unable to break down the amino acid, trimethylamine, which again produces a fishy body odor. There are many foods that contain amino acids, such as seafood, fish oil, eggs, liver, milk, nuts, soy products, broccoli.

Then how to eliminate body odor naturally? following tips to eliminate body odor naturally.

There are 10 tips on how to eliminate the solutions that have body odor we write below. Consists of 10 natural ways or methods appropriate to address this one.

10 Ways to Eliminate Body Odor Naturally

Lime (Citrus aurantifolia)
Lemon juice mixed with a little whiting and gets rubbed such as armpits believed to repel unpleasant body odor.

Betel leaf (Piper betle)
Betel leaves are long known efficacious as an antiseptic also known to contain active substances that can eliminate body odor. Betel known especially potent eliminate body odor caused by these bacteria or fungi. Chemical constituents in betel leaf essential oils include kadinen, kavikol, sineol, eugenol, karvakol and tanning substances.

To eliminate body odor, one way is to soak some hot water. Once cool, the water is drunk. White sugar may be added secukupnyauntuk taste. Another way is to smooth the betel leaf with lime and then applied to the armpit.

Clove (Eugenia aromatica)
Beberpa clove bud soaked kemudia expands so that the water is drunk. Water decoction of clove bud with some brown sugar can also be refreshments and menghanagtkan dikala rain.

Ginger Rhizome (Curcuma xanthorrhiza)
Substances - substances contained in turmeric is sapomin, flavoinoida and essential oils to eliminate body odor. The trick is to drink boiled ginger rhizome that has been cut - cut finely.

Water that has been shredded ginger juice with a little honey can also be taken to eliminate odor sedapyang out of the body. Additionally, grated ginger can also be massaged into the entire body, and left to dry before being cleared to get maximum results.

Leaves Beluntas (Pluchea indica)
Plant commonly used as a living fence has a characteristic smell and taste bitter horsefly. Leaves and flowers containing alkali which acts as an antiseptic. Chemical content such as amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, tryptophan, threonine), fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron vitamins A & C. To eliminate body odor, leaves ordinary beluntas engulfed in raw or steamed first. Beluntas leaves that have been boiled is also delicious eaten as ointment (vegetables with grated coconut flavored).

If you usually eat leaves beluntas, body odor will disappear. In addition, the lack of bad breath odor will disappear. For those who do not like it, get by drinking boiled water leaves every morning and afternoon. Beluntas also beneficial lowering body temperature to cool the body so much sweat and body temperature to drop.

Cucumber (Cucumis Savitus)
One young cucumber fruit peeled and rubbed on the body part that smells up again after a bath.

Basil leaves (Ocimun Baliscium)
The active substances contained in the leaves of basil also works as an antiseptic. To get menfaat leaf is also used as a salad or as a vegetable raw ointment is also raw. Basil leaves also contain substances that increase appetite. For women who are menstruating, if you eat basil leaves roughly one cell in the morning and afternoon during the period will avoid the odor that often affect women hadi.

Flowers kecombrang (Nicolaia speciosa)
The active substances contained therein which can eliminate body odor is sapomin, flavoinoida and polyphenols. Kecombrang can be used to cook the young leaves and flowers are eaten as a friend to eat rice. Certain areas kecombrang superbly cooked as a vegetable lodeh.

Ginger (Zingiber Officanale)
Many Indians believe that if you consume ginger make them smell sweet.
According to Peng Chao Ching of the emperor Shen Nong (3000 BC), fresh ginger can eliminate body odor and closer to the spiritual aura. Ginger terarur if consumed can be very helpful to overcome the problem of body odor.

Purut orange (Citrus Bystrix)
Yuan bark contains essential oils smell nice. Kaffir lime can be used to eliminate body odor by drinking juice mixed with a lime peel kencur mashed together - together with enough water.

Herbal Home Remedies for Kidney Stones!

Get Rid of Gallbladder Stones via Herbal Remedies!
The Kidney stones are one of the most common diseases that has risen in leaps over the last few years. The chaotic and sedentary lifestyle as well as unhealthy food habits can be sited as one of the most important aspects of kidney stone occurrences. 

Home Remedies for Kidney Stones
  • One of the beneficial remedy for stones is to pound papaya roots and extract the juice. Mix it with some water & drink the same in the morning on an empty stomach for few days.
  • Pound a few leaves of patharchat (kidneywort) and take them twice daily with water.
  • To treat stones, coconut water can be taken thrice daily.
  • Taking a tsp of fresh basil leaves juice with honey daily for up to 6 months is believed to induce stone expulsion from the urinary tract.
  • Take about 20ml of aloe vera juice twice daily on an empty stomach. This would be of help in flushing out liver of wastes.
  • Administering about 500g of dandelion roots twice daily may be beneficial in kidney stones as the roots are known to cleanse the kidneys well. 
  • Soak approx 50g of the horse gram in water overnight. In the morning, mash and drink it. Also, approx. 30 ml of the horse gram seeds decoction can be taken twice daily.
  • Drinking fresh pomegranate juice is said to be quite beneficial for those suffering from kidney stones.
Diet and Exercise for Kidney Stones Cure

Eating habits or diet plays an important role in curing and preventing diseases like stones! It is necessary to improve diet and substitute ordinary cooking fat with either Olive oil or Sunflower oil.  Intake of fruits like Lemons, Oranges and Grapefruit should be included in the diet. The acids content in the fruits help in dissolving the stone naturally. Yoghurt and Cottage Cheese are also good for such conditions. Fatty foods with high calorie content should be avoided. Drinking plenty of water on a regular basis and consuming juices and soups helps in cleaning up the liver system.

Exercise is important for treating stones, as physical inactivity is one of the main causes of indigestion and eventually result in the formation of stones. Yogasana are also suggested for treating gall bladder stones as these asanas help in toning up the liver and gall bladder. These asanas include Sarvangasana, Paschimottasanana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana & Bhujangasana. Breathing exercises such as kapalbhati, Ujjayi and Anulom viloma can also help in getting rid of the symptoms. 

Visit HerbHealtH for more articles on Herbs and Health at

Myths About MSG, MSG Safe Scientific Facts

The myth that has been embraced by the general public and some clinicians or physicians that MSG is harmful is wrong. Apparently MSG or MSG is safe to be used or consumed in the daily diet. Various myths about the side effects of MSG does not have strong scientific evidence, so that the entire world food control agencies are still classified MSG as an ingredient a "Generally Regarded as Safe" (GRAS) and did not specify how many daily intake limit. If there is controversy about an issue should be referred to the dissenting opinions focused on scientific research or official recommendations of international health institutions are credible. In the world of modern medicine is the opinion of a medical expert or even a profesorpun will not apply during the conflict with scientific facts or official recommendations of credible health institutions.

MSG or MSG or often called micin not the spices that are often used as a flavoring. Benefits as a source of savory flavors, is indisputable. But it is not acceptable berartisecara open and free of negative issues, especially when associated with health.

MSG as we know Mono Glutamate Sdium first time in Japan in 1909. The first company to mass-produce is Ajinomoto. Over time, and cooking needs of the community that continues to meninggkat, then came the brand-other trademarks MSG.

MSG originated from the research of Prof.. Kikunae Ikeda (1908) who found that the glutamate source of savory flavors (in Japanese is called umami) was successfully isolated glutamate from the broth of this type of Kombu seaweed. A year later Suzuki commercialize Saburosuke glutamate were isolated by Ikeda.

MSG content

MSG Glutamate is made up of 78%, 12% sodium and 10% water. High content of glutamate that causes all sorts of savory flavors in dishes. Glutamate itself is included in the group of non-essential amino acids making up the protein terdap [at also in other foods such as meat, milk, cheese, milk and in our bodies contains glutamate. In the body, and of glutamate from MSG dimetabolime lainnyadapat materials well by the body and used as an energy source intestine.

This compound is a combination of sodium / sodium (salt), amino acids glutamate and water. Confirmation savory flavor is made with molasses fermentation by bacteria brevi-lactofermentum bacterium that produces glutamic acid. Then, the addition of salt that crystallizes. That is why, MSG is often found in the form of white crystals.

In Indonesia, the use of MSG is made from molasses and cassava by fermentation. If traced from sejasrahnya, MSG initially taken from seaweed, then changed using another sumberl because given the limitations of seaweed ap [abila dip [akai continuously will cause damage to the marine ecosystem.

The fact that MSG is safe to eat and does not cause adverse health effects unfortunately not known by many people. This was stated by the inventor of MSG, MSG is basically created to help the absorption of food nutrients by the body to its full potential.

Health agencies the world today as JEFCA (FAO + WHO particular foodstuffs), Community Health Europe, the U.S. FDA and BPOM also agrees that, by stating its security aspects and provides a daily intake limit the use of MSG is NOT SPECIFIED or taste. There is no determination of the numbers in penggunaanyadalam consuming MSG. In America, the use of MSG included in the category of GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) as well as the use of salt, sugar and baking soda in pengguaanya.

Negative issues outstanding are not based on scientific studies recognized credibility. There are several studies sentenced MSG as a source of disease was to use research methods ambiguous and irrelevant in pengguaan MSG in everyday life.

The latest discovery in 2007, showed that the tongue and stomach have glutamate receptors. resewptor presence helps in the digestive process in expediting the process of digestion it.

The use of MSG in food can also reduce salt consumption 20-40% dengantetap maintain taste and delicious food. This can help reduce the risk of hip [ertensi and heart while providing good taste in these dishes.

It causes negative things in the use of MSG because some people have allergies to certain ingredients, it is the same as allergies some people of a certain particular thing (seafood allergy, milk allergy, dust allergy, hay fever, allergic to feathers cats-dogs, etc.). Therefore MSG get a negative mark for the community, but MSG is basically very helpful man in the process of digesting food in abundance maximum. Another development that needs to be noted is a savory (umami-Japanese version) has been recognized as the fifth basic taste in addition to sweet, salty, sour and bitter.

Myths are already believed

In his report to the FDA, FASEB suggests scientific facts as follows below:

  • MSG is not causing Chinese Restaurant Syndrome
  • MSG accused as the ringleader of the root causes of complaints, which is called Chinese Restaurant Syndrome. The term comes from the incident when a doctor in the United States eat at a Chinese restaurant, then experienced nausea, dizziness, and vomiting. This syndrome occurs presumably because Chinese food contains a lot of MSG. This report was subsequently published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1968.
  • The complete, syndrome or collection of symptoms consisting of: * burning sensation in the back of the neck, upper arms, chest and face full of * Taste * Chest pain * Headache * Nausea * Palpitations * numbness in the back of the neck radiating to the arms and back * Tingling in the face, temples, upper back, neck, and arms * Drowsiness * Weak
  • Various scientific studies further found no link between MSG with this Chinese restaurant syndrome. In fact, there may be a small group of people who react adversely to MSG so experienced these things. Chinese Restaurant Syndrome Symptoms are very similar to the symptoms of a heart attack.
  • Chineese Restaurant Syndrome symptoms was also similar to the symptoms of food simpanmg reaction or allergy symptoms. Turns out food allergy and food hypersensitivity can cause all organs including vascular disorders, brain, and muscle and bone disorders.
  • Patients with heart disease who consume foods containing MSG can be fooled by these symptoms. They could have thought had been exposed to CRS when it actually was having a heart attack. Warning for people with heart disease! It was not clear what percentage of the population who experience it. In addition, MSG's negative reaction emerged when people are eating at least 3 grams of MSG without food (on an empty stomach). This situation can be said to be very rare, because MSG is usually mixed into the dish. In addition, there are also other foods, especially carbohydrates, are eaten along with MSG.
  • Is it true that MSG cause shortness of breath in people with asthma? Shortness of breath in people with asthma after consuming MSG may occur when disease or uncontrolled asthma is not treated properly. Until now there has been no research that says MSG as caused of allergies.
  • As for the alleged between MSG consumption with the onset of lesions (sores) in the brain, the emergence of Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's Disease, amyotopic lateral sclerosis, and other chronic illnesses, the FDA has taken action. Food and drug regulatory agency has asked the United States to FASEB reanalyzed all the research on the health effects of MSG.
  • FASEB final report was published in a book as thick as 350 pages for the FDA on July 31, 1995. Based on this report, the FDA found no scientific evidence whatsoever to prove that MSG or glutamate causes brain lesions and chronic diseases.

Safe to eat

In 1987, the Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) of the World Food Programme of the United Nations and the WHO, put MSG in the category of safe food flavoring dokonsumsi and no effect on health. This statement is reinforced by the European Communities Scientific Committee for foods in 1991. Furthermore, the Agency Penagwas U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1995 stated that the MSG included as a seasoning, like salt, pepper, and sugar, so it is safe for the body.

  • For pregnant women.
  • Clinical evidence does not yet exist. But the FDA considers MSG safe for pregnant women. Pregnant women has not been proven that eating foods containing MSG will give birth to babies who experience health problems. New research conducted on pregnant rats given high doses of MSG powder, 4 mg / day, the results show MSG is able to penetrate the placenta and fetal brains absorb twice as much MSG parent brain. Ten days after birth, children are more susceptible mice had seizures than from the parent who did not use MSG. so remember whatever goes into the mother will diaslurkan by the placenta to the fetus, pregnant women should reduce the consumption of MSG.
  • For toddlers.
  • Similarly, pregnant women, gram exactly how MSG can harm the health of children has not been clinically proven bias. However, through the Indonesian Government Regulation 69/1999, National Agency of Drug and Food Control Indonesia expressly prohibits the addition of MSG on complementary feeding and infant formula to avoid the risk of health problems that may arise, because the digestive children who have not been strong.
  • Consumption threshold.
  • There is no standard rule the world, including those issued by the world's food and health agencies (FAO and WHO). Who could have known is the optimal point savory taste that can be felt someone, namely a maximum of 5 grams / day. The regulation of the Minister of Health No.722/Menkes/Per/IX/88, use restricted MSG taste, should not be exaggerated. Unfortunately, it is not explained in detail how many grams / day is recommended.

Looking scientific fact and recommendations int5ernasional the various health institutions should not be afraid to use the MSG as a food flavoring. Based on research and testing, the product is proven safe for consumption. MSG is composed of sodium (sodium), glutamate, and water are nutrients for the body. "To make the MSG should use sugar. Glutamate, naturium, water, 3 parts maker MSG. In science, there is no evidence of allergy due to glutamate. Glutamate there are many in the tomatoes, cheese, meat, or milk.

BPOM Indonesia also specify limits on the use of MSG taste. In accordance with its function as a menyedapkan seasoning flavor. These limits are the same as the use of salt and sugar in cooking. There are three production sites Ajimonomoto shown. Starting from Ajinex, where guests can see the control panel controls the MSG. Followed by a reception area molasses which is the raw material of MSG. What's next, Masako showing that these ingredients are made from chicken and beef original, not just from the taste of meat. It appears from the glass how chicken and beef received after checking through quality by the QC. Furthermore, the ground beef and chicken, boiled and then separated from the bone and processed into granular form.

Why Do We Eat? A Neurobiological Perspective. Part III

In the first post, I explained that all voluntary actions are driven by a central action selection system in the mesolimbic area (the reward system). This is the part of you that makes the decision to act, or not to act. This system determines your overall motivation to obtain food, based on a variety of internal and external factors, for example hunger, the effort required to obtain food, and the sensory qualities of food/drink. These factors are recognized and processed by a number of specialized 'modules' in the brain, and forwarded to the reward system where the decision to eat, or not to eat, is made. Researchers divide food intake into two categories: 1) eating from a true energy need by the body (homeostatic eating), e.g. hunger, and 2) eating for other reasons (non-homeostatic eating), e.g. eating for social reasons or because the food tastes really good.

In the second post of the series, we explored how the brain regulates food intake on a meal-to meal basis based on feedback from the digestive system, and how food properties can influence this process. The integrated gut-brain system that accomplishes this can be called the satiety system.

In this post, we'll explore the energy homeostasis system, which regulates energy balance (energy in vs. energy out) and body fatness on a long term basis.

The Energy Homeostasis System

Read more �

What are the health benefits of soy?

What is soy? 
Soybeans were one of the first foods to be grown by humans. Soy is a subtropical plant, native to southeastern Asia. This member of the pea family (which includes beans, dried peas, lentils and chick peas.) grows from one to five-feet tall and forms clusters of three to five pods, each containing two to four beans per pod.

 Soy has been a dietary staple in Asian countries for at least 5,000 years, and during the Chou dynasty in China (1134-246 B.C.), fermentation techniques were discovered that allowed soy to be prepared in more easily digestible forms such as tempeh, miso, and tamari soy sauce. 

Tofu was invented in 2 nd -Century China. Soy was introduced to Europe in the 1700s and to the United States in the 1800s. Large-scale soybean cultivation began in the United States during World War II. Currently, Midwestern U.S. states produce approximately half of the world's supply of soybeans.

Soy contains protein, isoflavones, and fiber, all thought to provide health benefits. Soy is an excellent source of dietary protein, including all essential amino acids. Soy is also a source of lecithin or phospholipid. Soy isoflavones and lecithin have been studied scientifically for numerous health conditions. Isoflavones such as genistein are believed to have estrogen-like effects in the body, and as a result are sometimes called "phytoestrogens.

Nutritional value of soy
250 ml (1 cup) of cooked soybeans contains as much protein as 100 g of cooked meat, chicken or fish. The quality of soy proteins can be compared to meat proteins, while other legumes are not considered complete sources of protein.
All legumes, including soy, have no cholesterol. Even though soy is a little higher in fat than other legumes, it�s only good fat (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, including omega-3 fatty acids)!
Soy is also an excellent source of minerals including calcium, iron and zinc:
  • Calcium is essential for building and developing strong bones and teeth.
  • Iron is used to carry oxygen to tissue and muscle cells.
  • Zinc is important for growth, immunity, healing wounds and perceiving taste.
Our bodies don�t absorb plant iron (from legumes, grains, vegetables, nuts, tofu) as well as animal iron. Eat a source of vitamin C with meals to help your absorption of plant iron. Some examples of vitamin C-rich foods are citrus fruits, red peppers, strawberries and broccoli.

Soy protein has also been investigated for benefit in terms of other cardiovascular disease risk factors, reducing menopausal symptoms, weight loss, arthritis, brain function, and exercise performance enhancement. Dietary soy may decrease the risk of breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men, as well as other types of cancers. In general, the supportive evidence for use of phytoestrogens as treatments for menopause, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis (weak bone mass), and cancer is limited. The use of soy formula has been investigated in the treatment of diarrhea in infants and is an effective and safe alternative to cow's milk formula in most infants. Due to limited human study, there is currently not enough evidence to recommend for or against the use of soy for weight reduction.  

Soy products
Soy products are made from soybeans. Common sources of soy isoflavones include roasted soybean, green soybean, soy flour, tempeh, tofu, tofu yogurt, soy hot dogs, miso, soy butter, soy nut butter, soy ice cream, soy milk, soy yogurt, tofu pups, soy cheese, bean curd, seitan, and soy noodles. Soybean flour is found in Spanish sausage products (chorizo, salchichon, mortadella, and boiled ham), doughnuts, and soup stock cubes. Grocery stores carry many different kinds of soy products. Once you become familiar with them, they can become part of your regular eating habits. Some include:
  • Tofu � Firm or extra-firm tofu can be used in vegetable stir-fries, soups and pasta sauces. Silken tofu is good for preparing smooth sauces, dips, creamy desserts, shakes or soups.
  • Roasted soybeans - Soybean can be soaked in water then roasted in oil or using dry heat. Roasted soybeans taste like peanuts and are sold plain, salted or seasoned.  They are a nice alternative to peanuts and contain less fat ; 11 g per 60 ml versus 18 g for the same amount of peanuts
  • Soy beverages - Soy beverages are made using ground-up soybeans. The grinding extracts a liquid that looks like milk.  You can drink a soy beverage �as is�, or you can use it to replace cow�s milk in tea, pour it into a bowl of cereal or even use it for cooking sauces and soups.   Soy beverages usually contain between 5 g to 9 g of protein per 250 ml (1 cup). Milk contains about 8.5 g of protein per 250 ml, so try to choose a soy beverage that has over 7 g of protein per 250 ml.   However, soy beverages can�t really place milk unless they are fortified.
  • Fortified soy beverages have just as much calcium, vitamin D, B2, A and zinc as milk and can even contain more vitamin B12 than milk. Soy beverages also provide an average of 8 to 14% of the recommended daily iron intake (1 to 2 mg of iron per cup of drink).


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

How to Wisely Use of Traditional Medicine

Throughout history, traditional medicine has helped many people. When used appropriately, traditional medicine can be safe health solutions.

However, when used inappropriately, such as traditional herbal medicines may cause losses. To use traditional medicines wisely, it is important to realize that there is always the element of risk.

Let us see what are the risks to be aware of when using traditional medicine. Although traditional herbal medicines are safer than modern pharmaceutical drugs, herbal not without risk.

Thus, the question arises, warnings and recommendations that should be kept in mind what a person when considering treatment with traditional medicine?

Precautions in Selecting Traditional Medicine

You should be wary of traditional medicines that you buy. There are many cases of traditional medicine circulation withdrawn from the market because it proved to contain certain chemicals that can cause serious side effects.

One way to detect the presence of a mixture of chemicals in traditional medicine among others, by observing the speed of usefulness. Traditional medicine like herbs usually do not merit an instant, if there is so suspicious of the additional chemicals.

In recent years, there are also reports of traditional medicinal products contaminated with heavy metals and other contaminants. In addition, there are traditional medicinal products that turned out to contain little or no ingredients listed on the packaging.

Of the cases above, it is clear that traditional medicinal products, as well as other drugs, should be purchased at places that are trustworthy and reputable. Yes, buy from a reputable source and already have a marketing authorization. And do not forget, watch the expiration period.

Dosage Use of Traditional Medicine
A practical guide book titled The Complete Medicinal Herbal Herbal stated, "?? Although most traditional or herbal medicine basically quite safe, it should be used with proper.

Do not exceed the recommended dose, do not continue use if the disorder is not abated, or even worsen, or if the proper diagnosis is doubtful. "??

Yes, make sure that you understand and follow the instruction manual. You need to know how much medication should be taken, when to drink, and for how long. You also need to know the food, beverage, and what other medications or activities that should be avoided when taking herbal medicine.

Circumstances not possible to use traditional medicine

Another warning, the use of traditional medicine is very risky for certain people. People who take certain traditional medicines should be careful when going to undergo a medical procedure that requires anesthesia.

Dr. John Neeld, president of the American Society of anesthesiologists, explains, "?? Based on experience, it has been reported that several kinds of popular herbs, including ginseng, can cause fluctuations in blood pressure. It can be very dangerous when anesthesia is given."??

The doctor adds, "?? Plants other drugs, such as Ginkgo Biloba, Ginger, and feverfew, can interfere with blood clotting so it is very dangerous when epidural anesthesia is given-if there is bleeding near the spinal cord, paralysis can occur.

Among American anesthesiologists also recommend their patients to discontinue the use of certain traditional medicines at least two weeks before surgery because of the risk of interactions between herbal medicines and anesthetics, including increased chances of increased blood pressure or bleeding during the surgery which of course can be life-threatening.

Among pregnant and lactating women in particular must be aware of the risks that can be suffered by her and her baby due to a particular use or combine traditional medicine with conventional medicine given.

Clearly, it is important to know the reactions that can occur when traditional medicine is used alone or in combination with certain prescription drugs.

Therefore, patients are encouraged to discuss with your doctor or an expert in traditional medicine (herbalist) before deciding to use certain traditional medicines or if you want to combine traditional medicine with certain medications as prescribed.

The number of traditional medicinal products on the market would make you confused in choosing the right traditional medicine, therefore please read the article Recommendation of Traditional Medicine What's Right for Me? to get the information you need.

System-Six Reviews: Does It Really Work for weight Loss?

System Six by Irwin Naturals has been getting a lot of attention today in the field of weight loss. What could be inside its formula that's been catching these people's interest? Here are the few things you need to know about this product:

What are the ingredients?

As per its manufacturer, this weight loss product is not like the ordinary weight loss supplement you can find on the market because its formula focuses on six aspects that can definitely aid in losing weight. These include the following:

  • Endurance: The main ingredient in its formula that is responsible in providing your body with endurance is "Garcinia cambogia". It produces Hydroxycitric Acid or HCA that works as metabolism booster.
  • Energy: Your body's much needed energy to support your day to day obligations can also obtained by taking this product. The ingredients associated to producing energy includes "yerba mate", "guarana" and "cola extract".
  • Mood: This product also works its way on keeping you on great mood. The main ingredient responsible for it is called "St. John's extract".
  • Metabolism: B Vitamins are known metabolism boosters. Fortunately, it is also included in System Six's formula.
  • Antioxidants: Your body needs natural support and cell protection which you can also found on this product. Green tea extract is the main ingredient for this function.
  • Carbohydrate support: System Six also include "Chromium" in its ingredients. Chromium supports carbohydrate metabolism which is vital to weight loss.

Is it Effective?

Manufacturer of System Six boasts on the fact that it has a lot more ingredient that supports weight loss than any other products on the market. Knowing this fact, you can definitely say that this supplement actually works. But you should not solely rely on this. You also have to know what's beyond its effectiveness. This includes the risks on taking this product.


In using any weight loss product or supplement, you must ensure that it has safety seal. This pill may interact with various medications. You should also be careful on exposing yourself too much on UV source like the sun as this product can make your skin much more sensitive to UV rays. It can also affect your blood pressure. If you have heart conditions or diseases, you must avoid using this product. Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers should not take this product. It is also essential that you follow the recommended dosage for taking this product to avoid adverse side effects.

The most ideal thing to do if you are looking for the best weight loss treatment on the market is to ask for your doctor's help. Taking weight loss product is definitely an easy thing to do. But ensuring your health after is another story. Don't put your health at risk. Always seek for professional help.

Tips and Tricks How to quit smoking

Quitting smoking requires great sacrifice and commit to not smoking anymore. If you are a smoker then girlfriend told him to stop smoking if necessary give quit threat if not better off. Based on the case study of the success rate of this method is great.

How to quit smoking is actually not that difficult. Most people quit after feeling the effects of smoking. For those of you who sutah addictive smoking can be difficult to leave this habit quickly. But if you want to try there is still some way to quit smoking that you should try.

But you do not need to worry because here are some ways to stop smoking naturally. However, some of these tips can work well with someone, but these tips may not work when applied to others. Therefore we need a way most appropriate for each individual.

How to Stop Smoking Naturally

1. Stop By Gradual.
To be truly free from smoking addiction is better you do it gradually. In this way we can control our own thoughts if your body slowly not need nicotine from day to day. For example like this: if you spend a day usually 1 pack of cigarettes, so make sure you consume enough daily 6 pieces, then 3 pieces and so on until you can truly escape from the snare of cigarettes.

2. Support From Family.
If you really want to stop smoking then ask for help from your family to remind you. In addition to the role of the family's closest friends you can also help your efforts to quit smoking.

3. Yourself borrow.
Usually when people smoke in my spare time, by finding something else to make you forget the cigarettes. Fill your time doing what you love such as sports and berrekreasi

4. Consultation With Doctor.
This is one way that you should try, ask your doctor or health care professional how to quit smoking quickly. Usually the doctor has prescribed to eliminate dependence on nicotine.

 5. Avoid Triggers. Largely influenced by the desire to smoke triggers. triggers can come from a variety of things, such as the environment and the social, psychological state, and a variety of other reasons. Try to identify triggers, and also try to avoid it. Sometimes we unknowingly had a habit of smoking in certain circumstances, try to identify the triggers that make you really want to smoke, and try to avoid it.

6. Perform a physical activity or sport

Physical activity can distract you from tobacco addiction, and will directly reduce your smoking intensity. A time to time for physical activity for a while. Perform light exercise, such as jogging, sit-ups, push-ups, or just a leisurely walk. In addition to distract you from the addiction of smoking, physical activity is also very useful to improve your fitness, increase vitality, and also allows you to remove the psychological stress, but it also can improve the quality of your rest time.

7. Find True Benefits Life without cigarettes

It is now easy to find articles about quit smoking, too easy for you to find information about the harm of smoking to your body. By reading various references and may share medical article describing the adverse effects of cigarettes for health, you will find many reasons why you should immediately quit smoking. And common sense certainly easier for you to make the decision to quit smoking.

8. Chew or taste something

It is undeniable that raises tobacco taste sensation for the smoker mouth, and the sensation of smoking almost can not be replaced with other flavors. Taste chew or something, eg, candy or gula2, or light snacks, or other foods that you like best. But keep in mind, this method should be done with caution, lest with plenty to eat sweets or other food makes you exposed to other health problems.

9. Join a smoking cessation program

Today many programs that specifically address smoking addiction, either online via the internet or around your town. Usually these programs offer steps that have been compiled by experts, so effective to follow. In addition, you can also learn from other people's experiences, or the experiences with fellow smokers trying to quit.

10. Relaxation

Since long relaxation techniques can be used for medical purposes, as well as for the smoking issue. There are many kinds of relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises, muscle relaxation, yoga, visualization, hypnosis and massage. Choose a technique that suits you, that you will do and not be a burden. Relaxation itself is very beneficial to your body and your mind, so it does not hurt to try.

Of all the tips above, there is one important point that you should hold fine. Although there are thousands of ways to quit smoking if you do not have a strong determination then everything will be in vain. Convince yourself if you can stop completely, as the saying goes "Where There's a will there is way".

Source: From Various Sources

Which Make Your Blood High Tension Size

MEASURING blood pressure is always done by the nurse before the doctor's examination. However, three things can make increased blood pressure monitor before.

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the blood pressure can be changed every day. This affects diet and erratic sleeping habits. However, it can be avoided with a healthy lifestyle change.

Here are three things that can cause blood pressure to rise without the effects of a healthy lifestyle, as reported Emaxhealth, Thursday (24/01/2013).

Hearing the bad news

Hearing the bad news according to research can make blood pressure rise. When we heard the bad news, the heart pumps blood to the blood stream quickly and spread throughout the body. According to Dr. OZ from Missouri University, USA said, bad news can spur people to stress and cause heightened blood pressure.

after exercising

According to the AHA, physical activity can cause high blood pressure. One is exercise, after exercise, blood pressure will go up by itself. But with physical activity, blood vessels open and hypertension will be at a normal level.

genes derived

Transcription factors constitute a major part of the condition of the blood pressure. But some researchers say, those who have high blood pressure does not mean it will likely have high blood pressure. Transcription factors can be avoided by way of a healthy lifestyle and exercise.


Why Do We Eat? A Neurobiological Perspective. Part II

In the last post, I explained that eating behavior is determined by a variety of factors, including hunger and a number of others that I'll gradually explore as we make our way through the series. These factors are recognized by specialized brain 'modules' and forwarded to a central action selection system in the mesolimbic area (the reward system), which determines if they are collectively sufficient cause for action. If so, they're forwarded to brain systems that directly drive the physical movements involved in seeking and consuming food (motor systems).

The term 'homeostasis' is important in biology. Homeostasis is a process that attempts to keep a particular factor within a certain stable range. The thermostat in your house is an example of a homeostatic system. It reacts to upward or downward changes in a manner that keeps temperature in a comfortable range. The human body also contains a thermostat that keeps internal temperature close to 98.6 F. Many things are homeostatically regulated by the body, and one of them is energy status (how much energy the body has available for use). Homeostasis of large-scale processes in the body is typically regulated by the brain.

We can divide the factors that determine feeding behavior into two categories, homeostatic and non-homeostatic. Homeostatic eating is when food intake is driven by a true energy need, as perceived by the brain. For the most part, this is eating in response to hunger. Non-homeostatic eating is when food intake is driven by factors other than energy need, such as palatability, habitual meal time, and food cues (e.g. you just walked by a vending machine full of Flamin' Hot Cheetos).

We can divide energy homeostasis into two sub-categories: 1) the system that regulates short-term, meal-to-meal calorie intake, and 2) the system that regulates fat mass, the long-term energy reserve of the human body. In this post, I'll give an overview of the process that regulates energy homeostasis on a short-term, meal-to-meal basis.

The Satiety System (Short-Term Energy Homeostasis)

The stomach of an adult human has a capacity of 2-4 liters. In practice, people rarely eat that volume of food. In fact, most of us feel completely stuffed long before we've reached full stomach capacity. Why?

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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Phen375 Diet Pill Reviews: Does it Really Work?

Phen375 is scored as one of the best diet pills currently available. It has already assisted the majority of people around the world to lose weight faster. Certainly, this weight loss supplements happens to be one of the most prominent diet pills these days. Yet the query remains: Does Phen375 work? Is it really when safe and also effective because it is extensively stated by medical doctors and physical fitness professionals?

The answer to all these queries is definitely an emphatic "yes". For, this weight reducing dietary supplement will depend on Phentermine. But unlike the previously-banned weight reducing pill, it really is legitimately produced, as well as possesses none of the terrible negative effects which Phentermine have. It is definitely a champion diet pill, a product or service that arrived into the market place after many years of investigation in an FDA permitted lab in California.

Let us now take a detailed look at the ingredients which are present here. The diet plan supplements normally include:

  • L-Carnitine: a chemically based substance that induces the body system to reduce unwanted fat.
  • Dehydroepiandosterone: which discourages the technique of extra fat development.
  • Dimethypentylamine Hydrochloride: which increases rate of metabolism.
  • Capsaicin: which assists to burn off unhealthy calories by raising the body heat range.

Evidently, this extra fat burner comprises of 5 molecule enhancement products to develop an exclusive supplements, safe, superior. These 5 important nutrients collectively struggle with craving for food by delivering a message to the brain you are usually not hungry. Simultaneously, it accelerates the body's metabolic rate, turning it into a 24- hour weight reducing equipment.

Does Phen375 work? Anyone who have some knowledge about physical structure chemistry recognizes that it can be our fat burning capacity that manages our body's ability to use up extra fat. Consequently, if this type of extra fat burner could increase the speed of metabolic rate, it is sure to greatly reduce unwanted fat.

Obviously, this marvelous extra fat burner is clearly built to prevent the body from turning carbohydrate into toxin filled acids. This is exactly what promotes extra fat accumulation. So, quite unexpectedly, it is possible for you to burn fat with this fat burning supplement without having to decrease your individual snacks.

Why Do We Eat? A Neurobiological Perspective. Part I

As with all voluntary movements, eating food is an expression of activity in the brain. The brain integrates various inputs from around the body, and outside the body, and decides whether or not to execute the goal-directed behaviors of food seeking and consumption. Research has uncovered a lot about how this process works, and in this series I'll give a simplified overview of what scientists have learned about how, and why, the brain decides to eat.

The Gatekeeper of Voluntary Behaviors

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Easy Tricks to Remove Stress

EVERY person can reach a point of stress sooner or later. In order to escape from the evils of stress, you need to release stress management.

Coping with stress in life and maintain focus at all times is the only way to live a good and meaningful. You need to enter a routine to help cope with stress. Perhaps this will require some effort, but there are easy and intelligent techniques that should work well for relieving stress, as reported Quickeasyfit.

Calculate your breath

With breathing, you can calm the nervous system in the body. A total of 10 counts of breath to calm the mind and body good.


You can try to sing or hum to help achieve the same effect. Like when singing the song, you do not realize prolong the release of breath which ultimately helps to calm you.

Drinking Water

Dehydration was able to make you have difficulty in making decisions. Keep yourself hydrated. Consume plenty of fluids will help you see and think things are much better.


Laughed out loud. Why not? Humor is the opposite of stress. Do not let yourself get emotionally involved in a stressful situation. Laughter can stay out of trouble, you will be healthy and happy life.

Prolonged stress and distress that resulted in psychological disorders will surely befall employees with high deadline.
However, this does not want to happen to you right? Well, as quoted by She Knows, here are some simple ways to eliminate stress because of work.

- Refreshing to the gym. When you feel depressed, it is usually a tendency to release the anger such as shouting, throwing or hitting a very large items. Rather than make the entire office annoyed, better vent anger and stress with strenuous activities such as sports.
Go to the gym, and follow classes such as aerobics, yoga or kickboxing. Can also do the treadmill or spinning.
Quoted by the Times of India, exercise can help reduce stress and give time for the body to recharge when not in front of the computer. Following the spirit back again, you are ready to do the job properly work.

- Avoid chasing deadlines. Tense mind makes the brain can not think calmly. You might even do a wrong action. Therefore, stay away sesaatdari your desk to go to the cafeteria and order a cold drink and a snack to refresh the brain.
Maybe then, you can order iced chocolate, because chocolate contains compounds that can calm the mind. For food, choose snacks such as pies, quiche or croquet.

- Do not continue to think seriously. Stress will be felt more pressure when everyone thought the same. Try to prioritize where the most important tasks that must be completed first.
If a friend or boss chasing you with another task, confirm with the wise words that the work you are doing right now is more important than anything else.
By setting priorities, you also make the job a little easier because it can focus on one thing only.

- Thinking realistically. Determine the target according to your ability, do not set too high. Know your ability and form work style that suits you, so you can be more relaxed and enjoy the running jobs. For example, do not offer to complete a task that would be difficult if only you do the maximum.
Maybe you want to show loyalty and dedication to the work, but agreed that the work is far from the reach of the fatal act and can actually make you more stressed.

- Respect yourself. When successfully completed the hard work, give a gift to yourself. For example, a pair of shoes or just shopping pamper yourself at the spa. Treatment can be a motivation to do better with no load or burden the mind.

Million Benefits Of Salmon for Body

EAT touted salmon has many benefits for the body. But really, what are the benefits of eating salmon?

Health benefits of salmon for very much at all, which is why many health products that use salmon. As with other types of advertising saltwater, salmon is rich in protein and is so popular in Japan. Even studies that dilakaukan by health experts have shown that eating salmon can help you always look young and healthy, this is due to fatty acids contained in fish that has the Latin name Oncorhynchus mykiss. Protein content in fish is very easy to digest and to spread rapidly throughout the body. Amino acids in salmon are very important to the health and growth of your child. Benefits of the most important salmon is that it contains good fats are Omega-3 Vitamin A, B and D, and minerals calcium, iron, phosphorus and selenium.

Salmon fishing to be excellent because the omega-3 content is high in it. Here are some of the benefits of eating salmon, as reported Healthylifeclub.

Improves brain function and memory
 Vitamin A and amino acids are found in salmon are very efficient in stimulating brain activity and make your memory function optimally. These components contribute to the growth and development of brain cells.

Increase metabolism
 Salmon contains nutrients that facilitate the absorption of sugar in the body and in this process are known as the best diabetes control and blood sugar control.

Muscle Development
 Salmon contains proteins and amino acids which are the building blocks for muscle development. Nutrition is also known for developing tissue.

Prevent a heart attack
 A heart attack is mainly caused by high levels of cholesterol in the body. High cholesterol levels in turn causes an increase in blood pressure that causes blood vessels to harden, so that there was a heart attack. So you do not become the victim of a heart attack, salmon is the best food to be consumed. Because generally, salmon reduce cardiovascular problems.

Reduces inflammation
 Blood clots can be very dangerous and sometimes cause death if not treated properly. Salmon reduces the likelihood of blood clots, it completely eliminates the risk of stroke, blood arthritis, or cancer.

Reducing depression
 Salmon is one of the best ever depressants available in the market. This is because they contain omega-6 highly effective in reducing depression and other types of stress.

Enhance eye view
 Omega-3 fats contained in salmon helps in combating the problem of chronic dry eye, thus increasing your views during old age.

Maintain healthy skin and hair
 When you eat salmon, then also you give omega-3 nutrients in the skin that can always make you look younger. Not only the skin, omega-3 and protein in salmon maintain hair strength.

Source :

Comment Policy

Over the last year, I've noticed that the quality of the comments section here has deteriorated significantly, with a high proportion of poorly grounded and/or disrespectful comments, typically from anonymous or semi-anonymous people.  This is the nature of the Internet I suppose-- comments sections are rowdy places.  But ultimately I do have control over this, and I intend to exert it to maintain a higher level of information quality and decorum in my corner of the Internet.

For the foreseeable future, I'll be moderating comments.  Here are my criteria for deciding whether or not a comment will be published:
  1. Value.  Comments should be well thought out, and points supported by research or at least solid logic.  Personal anecdotes are welcome as long as they aren't over-interpreted.  Thoughtful questions are also welcome, although I can't guarantee I'll answer them.  As always, anyone is free to disagree with me in a constructive manner, or simply offer a word of support.  
  2. Respect.  Comments should be respectful to me and other commenters, and composed in a concise manner.  It isn't difficult to disagree in a respectful way.
  3. On topic.  Comments should be at least somewhat relevant to the subject of the post.
  4. Full name.  Attaching your full name to a comment means taking responsibility for what you write.  I'll continue to publish anonymous comments if they add value, but I'll be more likely to publish if you include your full name in your screen name, your profile, or at the bottom of your comment.
  5. No ads.  I will not publish links to commercial sites that do not add value to the discussion, nor will I publish any other link I find objectionable.
Because I'll be moderating, I've decided to remove the captcha word authentication, which many people found difficult to use.  We'll see how that goes.  Since I have a lot on my plate, and Whole Health Source is a one-man show, I may not always moderate comments in a timely manner.  I apologize in advance for the inconvenience.  

Healthy Weight Loss Plan - The Best and Safest Way to Lose Weight

The first step for healthy weight loss is to make some form of weight loss program. Your weight loss plan need to include such simple items as what actions (working out) you are going to indulge in, when, where, and so on. You really need to outline your goals, both long term and short-term aims you will definitely have to outline what your strategy will be for nutritional requirement.

It is easier to think about reducing weight, or any other goal related activity, if there exists a clear picture of starting factors, ending points, and how you intend to move from 1 point to the other. It is extremely easy to start a weight loss program or any other activity with intense motivation and a flurry of lofty plans to simply reduce site of the purpose or even be led down unproductive paths by daily activities and the blurring reaction of the time.

Here are some tricks to consider when putting together your personal weight loss plan:

1. Make your goals realistic:

Wanting to weigh what you weighed in high-school is, for many of us at least, unrealistic. Using a few movie stars weight or a relative's weight as your main goal is usually possibly detrimental to actually accomplishing effective weight loss. Each of those people arrived at THEIR weight by a combination of genetics, diet, and exercise which can not apply to you in any respect!

Most of the people do not realize that a healthy weight loss program should, for most people; result in a weight-loss of only a pound or so in a week. To many who have been working for a long time to lose weight, this may seem a depressing message. However, allow me to put it in perspective.

2. Do not focus on weight loss:

This is something that should be considered in your weight loss plan. How are you going to make up your life better overall? How many ways can you approach "weight loss"? Do not make it your goal to lose various pounds this week. Rather, set an ambition to walk so many minutes, lift so many pounds, garden for a huge number of minutes. That way, even when your weight is not going to modify very much from this period or maybe goes in the wrong way, you still know that your body is benefiting from the parts of your unwanted weight loss plan that you are even now in touch with.

3. Plan to go slow:

I don't understand if there is a statistic somewhere that illustrates how many people fall out of their weight loss program due to panic, stress, pain, or just plain burnout. However, I have experienced it myself, I have read about it, and I know people it bears happened to. Sometimes the most basic statements are most the truth. One which you are going to often hear is, "It took years for your body to get this way, but you still cannot change it overnight." This really is so genuine. Also, take into consideration that, even though you might not be SEEING considerable modifications, if you are taking the actions that you have outlined in your weight loss plan, your whole body is adapting inside, in places you are unable to see, but it is repairing and preparing to move to larger levels of fitness and health.

4. Plan to measure your progress:

I know I mentioned never to stress so much relating the weight-loss, however you need to observe what exactly is going on. You don't have to concentrate exclusively on pounds lost, however. If you can take a walk farther this week than you could two or three weeks earlier, you are progressing. Hopefully, in another two weeks, you will be taking walks farther, as well as more speedily. If, at the beginning of your weight loss program you could potentially only exercise for five minutes at a time, and you can now exercise for 15 minutes that is definitely progress, isn't it? That's an achievement and is something you should be proud of.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Announcing the Ideal Weight Program

I often receive requests from people asking for my overall perspective on fat loss and health.  I share my opinions here, but they're scattered throughout hundreds of posts, there's a lot I haven't had a chance to write about, and I rarely give practical recommendations.  However, I knew I'd eventually put everything together into a cohesive fat loss program-- it was only a matter of finding the right opportunity.

That opportunity presented itself in 2011 when I met Dan Pardi, a researcher whose work focuses on sleep and food intake, and the CEO of a company called Dan's Plan.  I was immediately impressed by Dan because he stood out as someone with a high level of expertise in sleep and physical activity, as well as someone who has successfully lost a substantial amount of fat and kept it off for several years.

Dan and his team had developed a set of unique and engaging tools for tracking weight, sleep, and physical activity to help people maintain daily mindfulness over the simple fundamentals of health.  These tools are 100 percent free and incredibly easy to use, particularly if you sync them with an electronic scale and step counter.  When synced with these devices, the Dan's Plan website automatically uploads and displays your weight, sleep, and physical activity score, as well as integrating them all into a single user-friendly Health Zone Score that lets you know your overall performance at a glance.  Even if you have no interest in fat loss, I highly recommend using the free tracking tools on the Dan's Plan site-- I do.

In early 2012, Dan approached me about creating a fat loss program for Dan's Plan that incorporates their unique tracking tools.  This struck me as an excellent opportunity to create a diet and lifestyle program that combines sound science with exciting new technology.  Dan and I both brought science to the table, and Dan also brought the perspective gained from working with others to help them lose fat, as well as his own successful fat loss experience.  Dan and I have been working hard on this project, and we're finally ready to launch.

I'm happy to announce the Ideal Weight Program, an effective new system for fat loss and maintenance.

What is the Ideal Weight Program?

The Ideal Weight Program is a unique system for fat loss and maintenance that draws from the latest science on diet, physical activity, sleep, and behavior modification, and pairs it with engaging tools that help you define your goals and meet them.  It keeps you consistently focused on the everyday factors that really matter for fat loss, and gives you the skills you need to make sustainable diet and lifestyle changes.  Based on your own goals and priorities, you can choose one of two diet strategies for the initial fat loss phase:
  • The Fat Loss and Sustainable Health (FLASH) diet, an intensive high-protein diet for rapid fat loss.
  • The Simple Food Diet, a more flexible diet based on whole, natural foods specifically selected for fat loss.  One important goal of this diet is to teach healthy cooking skills, using recipes and tips provided.
These diets are designed to naturally promote a lower calorie intake and fat loss, without requiring calorie counting.  The Ideal Weight Program also includes important physical activity and sleep components, and explains why these are so critical for fat loss and health.  Dan and I discussed some of the principles underlying the Ideal Weight Program on Chris Kresser's podcast recently.

Here's what you get when you sign up:
  • Detailed documents that walk you through the program
  • Weight, sleep, and physical activity tracking tools tailored for fat loss
  • Simple recipes and cooking tips that work with almost anything in your fridge
  • Videos that explain the key concepts behind fat loss and maintenance
  • An e-book explaining the scientific rationale behind the program
Signing up for the Ideal Weight Program gives you lifetime access to everything.  We've discounted the initial price, because we want to hear your feedback so that we can continue to improve the program over time.  If you follow the link below, first you'll be prompted to sign up for a basic Dan's Plan account, and once you have your account set up, you'll be able to purchase the Ideal Weight Program:

Ideal Weight Program

Financial disclosure: I will receive a portion of the revenue from the sale of the Ideal Weight Program.  I do not receive revenue from the sale of other products associated with Dan's Plan or the Ideal Weight Program (such as the Fitbit, cooking tools, and other programs).

Heart Health Herbal Hour!

Join the Higher Healing Herbal Institute for a fun filled Herbal Hour of Natural Health information and Herbal taste test! Febuary is Heart Health month and we will be dicussing the Circulatory system and how to have a Healthy Heart. Learn what makes the heart work at optimum levels and the herbs that will improve, maintain and support your healthy heart.
Date: 2/10/13       Time: 3pm - 6pm (est)
Host: L.C. Usher, Certified Herbalist
Receive a FREE GIFT for bring your friends!



How to get daily recomended vitamins from food

How to eat your vitamins?

Getting your vitamins and minerals through diet is very easy but nobody's perfect when it comes to healthful eating. It can be particularly challenging to get the nutrients you need if you're dieting or if you avoid animal or dairy products. Pills might seem like an easy fix, but food provides an abundance of nutrients, as well as fiber, that pills lack, says Mary Ryan, a registered dietitian in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. 
healthy food

These nutrients are what keep your body functioning at its best?building strong bones; improving brainpower, mood, and memory; and possibly helping the immune system ward off ailments both small (a cold) and large (cancer).

"Vitamins should be used only as supplements to the diet, not substitutes for healthy food," says Jeffrey Blumberg, Ph.D., director of the antioxidant research lab at Tufts University, in Boston.While there are hundreds of nutrients, the following information explains the ones you need to consume every day, what they do, and how to get them from your diet.

Vitamin A - 700 mcg
Vitamin A is required for the proper function of your eyes, skin and immune system, as well as other body processes.  Animal based foods provide preformed Vitamin A which is absorbed as retinol, one of its most usable forms, while from fruits and vegetables, it�s called provitamin A carotenoid, of which beta-carotene is most efficiently converted to retinol. 

Eat It: One cup of cantaloupe, two cups of raw spinach, or one medium carrot raw will all get you over 100% of plant-based Vitamin A.  Of animal-based foods rich in Vitamin A, 3 ounces of chicken liver has about 245% of the daily value, while a cup of whole milk offers only about 5%.

Vitamin B6 - 1.3 mg
Vitamin B6 supports brain function, metabolism, and immune response.  It also plays a role in maintaining healthy blood glucose levels.  Vitamin B6 is commonly absorbed well by the body, but may be lost in processing such as cooking, storage or drying.  Plant foods lose the least during processing.

Eat It: One medium baked potato or a medium banana has about 35% of the daily recommended intake, while a � baked chicken breast or a � cup of canned garbanzo beans offers up about 30%. A � cup of avocado, or one ounce of roasted sunflower seeds or walnuts offer another 10%.

Vitamin B12 - 2.4 mcg
Vitamin B12 plays a role in protein synthesis and cell division, helping to keep nerve and blood cells healthy.  There�s a two step process in absorbing Vitamin B1: the stomach�s hydrochloric acid separates it from the protein it�s attached to, then attaches it to the stomach�s protein, intrinsic factor, to use it.  

Eat It: Found primarily in animal products, some vegetarians and vegans opt to use supplements or get it through fortified foods like breakfast cereals or nutritional yeast, many of which offer 100% daily value in one serving. For meat eaters, three ounces of trout or salmon has about 100%.  While a double patty cheeseburger or cup of plain yogurt offer up 35% and 23% respectively.  

Vitamin C - 75 mg
Vitamin C acts an antioxidant in the body, protecting our cells from damaging free radicals. It also helps make collagen, a protein tied to wound healing.  Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of Vitamin C of which 80 to 90% is absorbed.  However, in doses over 12 grams, Vitamin C�s absorption rate is only 16%.

Eat It: A � cup raw green bell pepper has 100%, while a � cup of fresh strawberries or steamed broccoli stands around 80%.  � cup of tomato juice offers 55%, while the same serving of orange juice tops out at 155% of the recommended daily intake.

Vitamin D - 15 mcg
Vitamin D supports the body�s absorption of calcium and is thus important to bone health. It is also indicated in helping nerves communicate from muscles to the brain, making it essential for movement. Its absorption is dependent on processes in the liver and kidney.  Additionally, a recent study found it may be best absorbed after the largest or most fat-rich meal of your day.  Exposure to the sun�s UV rays activates Vitamin D synthesis as well.

Eat It: In addition to three ounces of sockeye salmon or mackerel, which give about 100%, the same serving of canned tuna yields about 40%, while the yolk of a large egg has about 10% of the recommended daily intake.  

Vitamin E - 15 mg
Like Vitamin C, Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant and boosts the immune systems ability to fight off bacteria and viruses.  Nuts, seeds, vegetable oil, and green leafy vegetables are the best sources of Vitamin E.

Eat It: Just one tablespoon of wheat germ oil gives you 100% of what you need daily, while one ounce of roasted almonds or sunflower seeds have about 35%.  An ounce of dry roasted peanuts or � cup of boiled spinach adds just 10%.

It turns out, you can get everything you need if you follow one basic guideline: Eat right.

Put the Right Foods on Your Plate

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Easiest Ways to Prevent Flu

We have a myriad of ways to dispel flu symptoms. When my throat started burning, runny nose, heavy head and body chills, we are ready with a glass of warm water mixed with lime juice and honey, lo han kuo brewing tea, or a dollop of ketchup dikucuri lime. The others then taking vitamin C or just taking cold medicine.

These methods are not wrong anyway, but if you have flu symptoms strike, medical drugs and traditional is still needed time to recover your condition. In fact, if you want to set aside 20 seconds every day to do these simple steps, your risk of flu symptoms will decrease to 51 percent.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, hand washing with soap and water on a regular basis is the only easiest way to avoid the spread of virus infection. If only everyone used to do this, one million deaths each year would have been prevented.

The survey from the CDC found that 80 percent of all infectious diseases spread by touch. Each year 40 million Americans fall ill from the virus spread through the hands.

In fact, hand washing habits among the public is quite alarming. In America, 90 percent of people claim that they always wash their hands after using public restrooms. However, observations conducted by researchers at the six airports in the United States found that only 26 percent of men and 17 percent of women washed their hands. The latest survey even found, only 24 percent of men and 39 percent of women who wash their hands after using the hands to cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing.

This fact encourages CDC to advise people to always wash your hands before and after preparing food, before eating, after changing diapers or using the toilet, after sneezing, coughing, blowing your nose, after touching animals, after the fall of public transport and public places other, and after touching the trash.

According to the CDC, hand washing reduces the risk of colds and other respiratory illnesses by 21 percent, and reduce the risk of diarrhea and severe intestinal infection by up to 59 percent. You are advised to wash hands with soap and clean water, but the hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol would help, although it will not eliminate all types of germs.

Familiarize yourself washing your hands will also protect you, your family, and your friends from a disease of the respiratory tract, as well as more serious diseases such as hepatitis A, or meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain).
