Saturday, June 29, 2013

Ginseng, Medicinal Herbs Most Famous

Ginseng (Panax ginseng) is a plant plays a maximum of about 60 cm that grows in the cool mountains of East Asia. Plant growth is very slow, after years of not more than 10 to 20 cm. Currently, Panax ginseng is widely grown in Korea, Japan, China and Russia's North East. In America there are also other types of ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) is used medically, but are considered less effective.

Due to the limited area of ??cultivation and ever growing, native ginseng root price is very expensive. Many foods and health drinks that claim to have real content of ginseng extract ginseng contains quality. In fact, there is no abortion at all. Therefore, you should not believe it with every claim content � 2010 Marcelo Tr�sel | more info (via: Wylio) 

Chinese name Gin-seng means "man root" which refers to the appearance that often resemble the human body. Its genus name in Latin Panax comes from the Greek goddess Panacea, who heals all your diseases. Good quality ginseng root is usually derived from plants aged 3-6 years (or more). The older the ginseng root, the more effective and worth its value. Ginseng root contains ginsenosides which is a complex compound of about 25 individual active substances. Ginseng extract containing about 8% ginsenosides.

Efficacy of ginseng
Ginseng is the most famous Asian herb. The use of ginseng in the treatment may be as old as the civilization of China and Korea. The healthful effects of ginseng on the central nervous system, the endocrine system and the immune system has also been proven by many scientific studies.

Here are some health benefits of ginseng for:

  • Aphrodisiac (strong medicine man). Ginseng causes an increase in the formation and release of hormones, including sex hormones and because it is a means to increase sexual libido in both men and women.
  • Antidepressant. Ginseng can be used to combat stress and mild depression.
  • Adaptogen that increases stamina. Adaptogen is a substance that increases the body's adaptation to the mental and physical stress factors. Ginseng increases endurance during physical exercise.
  • Deal with complaints of menopause.
  • Maintain mental concentration.
  • Prevent and cope with atherosclerosis (calcification of blood vessel walls)
  • Controlling diabetes.
  • Cure hepatitis.

    Impact of Negative and Positive Eating Instant Noodles

    Instant noodles in the claims by some as a dangerous kind of food because it contains a layer of wax on his noodles. This layer is hard to digest by the body and it took at least two days until the body can be removed dar.

     Therefore, those who claim it is appealed to the public to at least give a distance of 2 days after eating instant noodles to eat it again. They also say, the consumption of instant noodles in the long term can cause cancer due to pile wax in the digestive tract.

    The things that should be considered in taking:

    1. The use of wax as a coating noodle products that have been authorized by the FDA is the use of natural waxes made from food-grade vegetable (Jojoba oil, bayberry, castor, rice bran, soy wax), petroleum (paraffin, microcrystalline, petroleum jelly), beeswax (wax produced by bees), shellac-based wax (wax produced by a kind of insect Kierra Lacca) or resin (wax produced by certain plant species).
    2. The candles above are widely used in the food industry, usually as a coating fruits to keep them fresh and nonperishable during transport through from the garden, a dining table buyers to the market. Moreover, most likely other types of food industries (including instant noodles here) using one of them to cover products that are not sticky when cooked.
    3. To note here is the use of petroleum as a food coating. Petroleum is a complex mixture of substances hidocarbon in different density.
    4. Hydrocarbon is a mixture of hydrogen and carbon. According to some studies I've read and other health information that I can, hydrocarbons can lead to cancer because it induces gene changes or mutations.

    So far we do not know, if it was the food manufacturers are using wax as a coating product, what kind of wax to use, whether petroleum or other natural types. Therefore, you should be careful. Besides the use of candles, we must also consider the use of dyes in the instant noodle products. That we usually encounter is the use of artificial yellow color, tartrazine. Artificial coloring has some negative side effects on health associated with asthma. Maybe as consumers, we can choose food products that use natural dyes such as beta carotene (natural yellow dye).

    In addition to coloring, we must also consider the use of MSG and sodium levels total in instant noodles are usually reached about one thousand milligrams. We all know that salt content is too high is not good for people with hypertension, heart and kidney.

    Some positive things from him

    Most instant noodle products have gone through the process of fortification (as has been discussed), which is the process of adding micronutrients to the product. These micronutrients such as iron, folic acid, niacin, vitamins and minerals such as calcium.

    Has recently introduced a new type of instant noodles that can actually help people who are overweight or want to diet, lose weight. Instant noodles are noodles that using pectin as one of the base ingredients.
    Pectin is a linear polysaccharide consisting primarily of galacturonic acid and its derivatives. When these substances are inside the hull and filled with liquid, it will expand and fill the stomach, and consistency make long in the digestive tract, thus slowing the onset of hunger.

    According to the study, pectin fiber can reduce the absorption in the gastrointestinal tract resulting in lower blood cholesterol levels, improve intestinal peristalsis, reduce constipation and reduce the risk of gastric cancer. The results of the study with pectin for Instant Noodles Weight Reduction mentions that the efficacy of weight loss and the formation of body posture on the use of instant noodles with pectin better than instant noodles with a standard formula (without pectin).

    From some of the reviews above can be concluded that the consumption of instant noodles is not completely harmless, even beneficial for not consumed in excessive amounts.

    Eating fried foods IMPACT OF LONG-TERM

    The impact of eating fried foods (if it is too often done) is:

    Certainly add weight / overweight / obesity, acne is most likely due to the fat that accumulates rampant.

    � used cooking oil has saturated fatty acid binding. During the frying process, the oil will undergo changes in fatty acid composition and oil quality. Bond is difficult to disentangle the fatty acid by the body and carried in the bloodstream. This fat will slowly settle to the blood vessels in the heart and block blood flow. This resulted in increased levels of total cholesterol, LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides, and decreased levels of HDL (good cholesterol) in the blood. Blockage of the coronary arteries can lead to heart disease, atherosclerosis (clogged arteries), stroke, diabetes, and trigger the growth of cancer cells. Initial growth of cancer cells induced by saturated fatty acid oils that interfere with protein structure of DNA in the body so that the mutated cells. This cell mutations that will grow cancer cells that will grow 5-10 years. Flour of fried foods affect blood sugar levels increased resulting in diabetes.

    Studies of laboratory research has led to the following conclusions:
    1. Cancer is caused by a virus can be induced by excessive fat.
    2. Cancer caused by chemical substances can be induced by excessive fat.
    3. Tumors were transplanted into animals can be induced by excessive fat.

    If fried squeezed, guess how much oil is there in a fried! The oil can increase blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It is not good for the liver and heart. The second work is becoming more severe organ because inhibited by cholesterol and triglycerides which makes the blood becomes more viscous.

    � Paper wrappers fried on one side can absorb oil in fried foods, but on the other hand is bad for health. Ink on paper absorbed by fried. Ink (newspaper paper / print-an) contain lead which can trigger the growth of cancer cells. Consumption of foods that contain lead by pregnant women would result in the risk of her child having autism.

    � Sore throat or pharyngitis can be caused by an infection in the throat. This infection can occur due to various factors such as germs, viruses, or allergies. Allergies can be triggered by foods such as ice or fried the oil using waste cooking oil.

    � It is special for plastic spiced fried. Plastic bag, plastic packaging made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and food packaging 'styrofoam' risky release chemicals that can be harmful to health. Styrene monomer which can react not come apart when in contact with hot oil or oily food / fat / alcohol in hot conditions. Even if a small residue does not pose a hazard, if dumped constantly, these compounds can lead to various diseases.

    � Fried commonly added flavoring / MSG (monosodium glutamate). Foods that contain MSG when consumed for a long time will be bad for health. MSG has adverse effects on the central nervous system, the effects of allergies, or dizziness after consumption of (post-restaurant syndrome).

    A doctor experimenting with providing 10 fried. The fried food seems to have dried. However, after heated in the oven at a certain temperature for 4-5 minutes, the oil from the fried foods will come out and melt from fried foods. The oil is then ditadahkan into tissue paper and can spend roughly half a roll of tissue per 10 fried. Results of physical tissue becomes yellow brown.
    From these observations, although not done with a quantitative analysis, can you imagine if every day someone takes 10 pieces of fried foods, the body is actually being hold as much oil 1/2 roll of tissue per 10 fried.

    was that was eating fried IMPACT IN THE LONG TERM, I hope useful for blogers friend, please share it if useful.


    Wednesday, June 26, 2013

    Which is More Secure, Walking or Running?

    Exercise walking is the cheapest and most easily done on all kinds of sports. In addition to walking, jogging also be another alternative for those who are reluctant to do strenuous exercise, so that both the exercise is still the main choice for many people.

    Although impressed by the light and casual, walk turned out to be a healthy activity. By walking, you can prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the body by increasing the intake of oxygen and facilitates blood circulation.
    Walking also strengthens bones and muscles, because the walking motion requires more than 600 muscles and 200 bones that work.
    Not only that, the active walking and running also helps reduce fat deposits in the body and reduce the risk of degenerative diseases due to age.
    But some experts said that walking is considered more secure compared with the run, especially for people who have certain health problems. Why is that? following reasons as quoted mothernature network.

    Safe for Muscles
    Either walking or running can provide long term benefits for health. But some experts think that walking safer for muscle tissue rather than run. Because, if carbohydrate intake is inadequate then the running time can mangakibatkan muscle catabolism or muscle wasting. Usually this occurs in long-distance running like a marathon.

    Safe for Heart
    People who have a weak heart condition is usually not recommended to do the running, because the track is too heavy for penedrita heart disease.
    Some doctors still recommend this exercise but depending on the severity of heart disease. Walking is the safest exercise for heart patients, who have the same magnitude of benefits such as running, the blood circulation, lower cholesterol and prevent blood vessel blockage.

    Safe for joints
    Of course, walking is a sport that is more 'friendly' to the joints, because the more minimal impact on joints. Running can provide greater stress on the ankles, knees, hips and other joints when the foot strikes the ground. Of course this could be its own risks, especially for people who have osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.

    Tip Healthy Walking

    Although impressed trivial, there are some important things you need to consider when walking, among them:

    • Wear shoes that fit. Have a flexible and robust bearings to support the balance of the body
    • Wear a brightly colored jacket or shirt so that other road users can see you
    • Look straight ahead rather than up or down
    • Neutral neck position, not looking down or looking up. Synchronize with eyes straight ahead so as not to experience neck pain.
    • Start walking with landing heel to the ground first
    • Shoulders relaxed and do not slouch. Bend your elbows form a 90 degree angle and swing to the center of the body during walking. This will involve more muscles and burn more calories
    • Try to keep the body aligned so stand back and buttocks muscles you are working optimally and produce burning more calories
    • Chest slightly raised position so that it can take a deep breath, expanding your stomach muscles and try to breathe in rhythm with steps
    • When taking the uphill lean slightly forward to reduce the load on the joints. Conversely, if it finds the track down, lean back
    • If you want to burn more fat, plus your footsteps pace for one minute. Then, go back to the normal pace for two minutes for recovery. Repeat as often as you can and for as long as you want. Variation interval and energy spent on this stage will dramatically increase the amount of fat burned.
    • Do not forget to bring mineral water to keep the body hydrated while walking

    Although safer walking than running, but that does not mean running sports should not be done. Walking is a safe exercise option for those who have health problems or who are elderly and want to be physically active.
    If you are not experiencing certain health problems, either walking or running can provide equal benefits for health. So, let's walk and run!


    More often Face Wash, Cause more Oily Face

    Excessive oil on the face is disturbing. In addition to the face so it looks shiny, fresh and not too dirty. If you have conditions like this face, wash your face often will not solve the problem.

    "Oily skin if washed more frequently eat so getting oily. Increasingly irritated skin, the more oil production," said skin and venereal specialist, Dr. Eddy Karta, SpKK.

    It was mentioned by him in the media gathering Pond's Men at The Foundry No. 8, Region Integrated Commerce (SCBD) Lot 8, Jalan Sudirman Kav 52-53, Jakarta Selatan, and was written on Wednesday (06/12/2013).

    How many times should a person wash your face? "There is no default rule, the same as when shampooing should be how many times a week. Adjusted alone with his activities. If the activity is not too much and not a lot of contact with dust, twice is enough," said the man who was taking a doctoral program at the University of Melbourne's .

    When using a face wash products should be adjusted properly with skin type. If your skin feels dry and tight after washing your face with soap particular, it means do not match.

    "If it does not fit make oily skin," said Dr. Eddy.

    If you want to use a moisturizer also must not use. Because there was a wide range of moisturizers. For example there is a moisturizer that attracts water. This moisturizer is suitable for use in areas such as Jakarta.

    "If it is used as a moisturizer to the area that has 4 seasons do not match, can actually draw water from the bottom of our skin," said Dr. Eddy.

    In addition to oil and acne, dark spots also a problem that is often complained. Women are generally more likely to have black spots than men. This is due to the buildup of pigment may occur in any layer, whereas the men did not like it.

    "In general, men of dark spots due acne scars. Handling case by case," said Dr. Eddy.


    Tuesday, June 25, 2013

    The main thing that you did not know about the rainy season

    Did you know ... common infections such as flu, inflammation of skin and eyes more prevalent during the rainy season? 

    > Bacteria survive longer in humid conditions. There is more moisture in the air which allows the bacteria to multiply.
    By understanding how germs spread during the rainy season you can help your family stay healthy. Here are some alasa why there is an increase in infection:
    > Association of DIRTY WATER AND WATER like rain water or water from the gutter can be mixed with drinking water and bathing water. So you can be infected with more germs.
    > Stagnant water AROUND IN RAINY SEASON WHEN WE QUICKLY becomes a breeding ground GERM. Puddle attract mosquitoes and flies that carry infections such as malaria and dengue fever.
    > Splash LAND OF GERMS THAT BRING SUCH CAUSE IRRITATION SKIN INFECTION. Contaminated water from the soil in contact with the parts of our body.
    DID YOU KNOW ... Using soap is the key reason that can prevent the dispersion of germs during the rainy season?

    washing hands and bathing with soap and clean water is one of the best and easiest way to protect you and your family from skin and stomach cough, flu, eye infections, stomach and skin.
    One always wear Soap products are proven to be 100% protect from germs rainy season. It means children can freely enjoy the rain without having to worry mother.
    ABC prevention of infections during the rainy season: Always wash with soap and water; caution against dirty water, mud and puddles; using clean water for drinking, cooking and washing.


    10 health tips for summer

    10 best health tips to stay one step ahead of the infection in this summer

    1. Wear light cotton clothing - which will let your skin of breathe and reduce sweating. Bacteria are very fond of perspiration is the cause of prickly heat, so try to keep cool to avoid infection.
    2. Avoid heat during the day - which can lead to heat exhaustion or stroke due. Protect your family by staying in the shade and hydrated with plenty of water.
    3. Wear a hat and sunscreen - sunscreen and keep your skin from the harmful effects of sunlight. Wear a hat and stay in the shade keeps you cool and dry, which is a good way to avoid body odor and prickly heat.
    4. Washing hands regularly - Remember that germs live, everywhere, from the kitchen to the door handle base and you are constantly in contact with germs. Lifebuoy provide protection from 10 infeksiyang caused by germs, so wash your hands constantly is the key to protect you from germs that cause infections in the summer.
    5. Bathe regularly - to avoid excessive sweating, Cool Fresh Lifebuoy provide long-lasting protection from germs that cause body odor.
    6. Stay hydrated - Fresh water and juices will keep your child hydrated and cool. check that the water is safe to drink or have dealt with the right to be taken to avoid water-borne infections such as gastroenteritis.

    7. Eat healthy - vitamins naturally boost the immune system. So give your child plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables to help fight infection summer. make sure the fruits and vegetables have been washed with clean water.
    8. avoid rubbing the eyes-use towel and a clean handkerchief to avoid eye infection spreads from one person to another.
    9. keep your drinking water containers clean tetao-container must be emptied, then refilled dikeringan regularly to avoid mosquito breeding. mosquitoes carry the infection so it is better avoided.
    10. Prepare the meal pedestal - pedestal kitchen and make sure your hands are washed and dikeringan before you prepare food to avoid the risk of food poisoning.!

    Source :

    Monday, June 24, 2013

    The Genetics of Obesity, Part I

    Choosing the Right Parents: the Best Way to Stay Lean?

    In 1990, Dr. Claude Bouchard and colleagues published a simple but fascinating study demonstrating the importance of genetics in body fatness (1). They took advantage of one of the most useful tools in human genetics: identical twins. This is what happens when a single fertilized egg generates two embryos in utero and two genetically identical humans are born from the same womb. By comparing identical twins to other people who are not genetically identical (e.g., non-identical twins), we can quantify the impact of genes vs. environment on individual characteristics (2).

    Read more �

    Sunday, June 23, 2013

    Foot Care in Summer

    With the arrival of summer and the heat gets too sensitive for our health, like others parts of the body, foot also create uncomfortable situation. Due mainly to the change in type of footwear as new weather our feet may experience some problems. We go from closed to open footwear, plus without socks or stockings that largely protect the feet.

    Foot Care in Summer

    Common Problems of Foot in Summer

    Chafing and blisters:
    They are one of the most common problems. The first is due to the friction of bare skin against the new shoe or sandal and may even cause injury. The latter have the same etiology, but in this case, instead of lacerate the skin, it rises liquid accumulating beneath.

    Excess sweating:
    At the bottom there are a lot of sweat glands and in some people who sweat excessively high humidity occurs that leads to secondary problems such as cracks between the toes.

    Excessive dryness of the skin:
    The wearing of feet into the air and high temperature cause more dry skin this time of year. This is particularly evident in the heel area; the edges appear whitish due to lack of moisture and accumulation of hyperkeratosis (skin hardness).

    Fungal skin infections:
    During the summer there are a number of ideal conditions for fungal infections. The most typical of all is the Athlete's Foot, which appears in the fingers and causes skin red, dry and flaky. Sometimes also cracks or blisters may appear.

    Tips to Overcome the Foot Problems 

    It is very important to choose suitable footwear: comfortable, breathable, soft and airy with a sole buffer at the same time flexible. This prevents a considerable extent the occurrence of chafing and blisters.

    In the event of a rash should be disinfected and covered with a dressing. If a blister is what has occurred, it must go through with a fine needle to drain the liquid, pressing on it, disinfected and covered with a dressing. You have to let the skin comes off by itself when the epidermis is fully regenerated.

    For the sweating you can opt for products that regulate perspiration. There deodorants (not prevent moisture, only deodorized) and antiperspirants that clog the pores to some extent by leaving the sweat, controlling moisture. You must read its instructions and follow them to the letter to avoid further problems.

    Foot Care in Summer

    Since excessive sweating may cause cracking toes. In these cases we apply an antiseptic on them to facilitate healing and prevent infection, in addition to seeking dry off well between the toes after showering and use a desiccant such as talcum powder before cal-zones. It is to prevent the continued use daily and closed footwear.

    The Athlete's Foot, a typical problem in summer, is a fungal infection caused by a concentrated moisture extreme sweating feet. It is usually cured with anti fungal and consistently in treatment. To avoid this it is advisable:
    Use slippers or rubber slippers pools, saunas, gyms and public areas where it is in direct contact with moisture.

    Wear shoes allowing perspiration, preferably leather or natural materials.
    Never share towels or footwear.

    Daily hygiene of the feet, drying them thoroughly especially between the toes
    Another frequent problem is the papilla virus infections (plantar warts) that abound in warm, moist areas such as swimming pools, gyms, saunas, etc. They are very common in children. With the use of appropriate flip-flops in these places is prevented contagion. Appear if you should see a dermatologist for treatment.

    Summer must duplicate the skin hydration to prevent drying problems, which are much more evident in summer. It is recommended to apply moisturizers, preferably in the evening to avoid increase sweating during the day. Also recommend the use of a file or pumice stone and rough areas of your feet a couple of times a week, with the goal of eliminating the accumulation of hyperkeratosis or hardness of the same. 

    Following the tips you should take care your foot in summer.

    Can spices in Make Drugs

    Our country is rich Indonesian rempahnya spices, spice seasoning is often made in the Indonesian family. That's why many types of dishes archipelago that spreads from Sabang to Merauke, so that our country is known by a variety of tempting foods. And because it is also a foreign country who want to have a country rich in these spices rempahnya.
    The spices that we know so far for seasoning can also be an efficacious natural medicine. Spices come from seeds, roots, leaves, flowers, buds, bark or fruit of plants. And most of it is used to flavor many dishes.
    In addition to use for seasoning, spices can also be used as a high drug content and antiinflasi antioxidants that can help prevent and treat a variety of chronic diseases. The following spices can be made in medicine:
    1. GingerGinger is effective in preventing motion sickness and seasickness, and can also be used in reducing nausea and vomiting for pregnant women. Because ginger contains inflammation-fighting substance called gingerol. Also can reduce pain and improve function in people with arthritis.
    2. TurmericTurmeric is used to give a yellow color to any dish. Curcurmin active ingredient in turmeric has been widely tested and researched has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents. Turmeric is also known as spice anti-cancer, treating Alzheimer's disease, boost immune function, improve digestion and can reduce the risk of heart attack.
    3. RosomaryAccording to experts kansas state university, rosomary minimize or deadly carcinogenic substances caused because we eat certain foods. Sealain it can also raise higher immune function and circulation, and reduce the severity of asthma attacks.
    4. CeleryCelery jangtung very good for health as it contains vitamin K, C, A and folate, nutritious roots can stimulate digestive enzymes and seeds as a reliever seizures (antipasmodik), lower blood uric acid levels, antirheumatic.
    5. CorianderAccording to the books I read (ciee books read) or coriander Coriandrum sativum latinya language actually comes from southern Europe, and spread to the whole world also thrives in Indonesia. Coriander is rich in protective phytochemicals and is a good source of iron, can mempelancar digestion, relieve dizziness, vomiting, influenza, hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers, mastitis, measles, colds, and high blood pressure.
    6. Cayenne pepperRed Chili contained in capsaicin content, dihidrokapsaisin, vitamins A and C, resin, dye kapsantin, carotene, kapsarubin, zeasantin, kriptosantin, lutein, and minerals. Based on research, the ingredients contained by red chili have a benefit to help cope with the symptoms of toothache, abdominal pain and weak hands, influenza, natural painkillers and increase appetite.
    This is the spice that can be made in medicine and very stout again, if my friend knew what herbs can be made in medicine please share here ya?

    Traditional herb Female Fertility

    in this post I try Give him herbs to help nourish the womb is usually used by the East Java region to improve the fertility of women who become pregnant or not pregnant.

    Although already used all means and efforts but have not found successful, you can try with ingredients that I can from a traditional herbal medicine maker eastern Java and was not directly loh but long term he said yes but only a maximum of one year.

    I wonder what that comes from the mind sadara and sisters but it would not hurt if you are not pregnant after a long marriage it would not hurt trying, praying to God Almighty because all depends also on the power of Almighty God.

    Instead I had a long talk I gave mending materials and how pembuatanya:

    Herbal Medicine To Help Fertility

    turmeric 1ons
    7 interest in such
    The second ingredient is blended gan sampek just suck then take the water, continue previously consumed mixed with the following ingredients

    Half a large glass of water
    Asem 1 jmpol
    Salt 1/2 tablespoon
    Brown sugar 1 small bullet

    mix until smooth and how drinking twice a week aja ya .. most of the time it would make ndak until the glass ...
    insyaalah if done regularly and pray to God Almighty hopefully been able, in this post I told you all that I also received an alternative treatment services both medical and non medical.

    Friday, June 21, 2013

    8 hormones that influence body weight

    In addition to diet and lifestyle, hormones also play a role in determining body weight. Check out some of the hormones that affect weight more as reported by the All Women Stalk following.


    This is the hormone responsible for triggering the stress experienced by the body. As you know, stress can lead to weight gain. To reduce levels of the hormone cortisol, try to exercise regularly to lose weight can also be controlled.

    Hormone that the body has a 'command' that you need to rest and sleep, the melatonin. Increased production of these hormones in the room darker. That is the reason why when sleeping, the lights should be turned off. Melatonin hormone deficiency is often associated with obesity, diabetes, and cancer.

    Love hormone oxytocin occurs when the body or in contact with the person you love, making love, or eating chocolate. But if you're hurt, tends to decrease the amount of oxytocin and cortisol actually increases automatically. So that the body was at risk of obesity.

    Thyroid hormone plays an important role in the metabolism to burn fat and distribute energy throughout the body. If you are stressed, malnourished and suffering from inflammation, may decrease the amount of thyroid hormone. In the end, risk of increased body weight.

    Estrogen and progesterone

    Both are owned by women and hormones produced by the ovaries. Estrogen and progesterone also affect our weight, whether it be lowered or increased. Thus the menopause and puberty are often associated with weight gain and changes in body shape.

    Both men and women have the same hormones. Testosterone also influences the weight, because its function is to maintain muscle strength which triggers metabolism in burning fat. If the number is decreasing, the weight can be increased.

    Leptin and ghrelin
    Both of these hormones can be regarded as the appetite hormones. Because both play a role in giving a message to the brain that you're hungry. Lack of sleep can affect the performance of the hormone leptin, so your appetite will usually difficult to control and make weight swell.

    This has the happy hormones on mood control and memory. Amount should be kept balanced so the weight can be controlled. Because lack of serotonin can lead to anxiety which leads to stress.

    That's some kind of hormones that affect our weight. Make sure you maintain the health and balance of these hormones for weight control.

    Food Reward Friday

    This week's lucky "winner"... low-carb gluten-free bacon chocolate mocha ice cream cake!!

    Read more �

    7 Health Problems Arising From Sleep Apnea

    Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder with difficulty breathing. People with sleep apnea usually stops breathing for a few seconds and can cause death. Some of the symptoms of sleep apnea is waking up with a dry mouth condition, morning headaches, difficulty concentrating, and irritability.

    7 Health Problems Arising From Sleep Apnea

    Moreover, it turns out sleep apnea can also cause various other health problems. What is it? Check out more as reported by the Huffington Post following.

    1. Heart attack

    Obstructive sleep apnea suffocating nature that makes the heart beat faster rate and blood pressure increases dramatically. If the condition recurs every night, obviously sleep apnea can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

    A study in 2007, even once mentioned that people with sleep apnea 30 percent higher risk of having a heart attack or die from the disease within five years.

    2. Depression

    Men with sleep apnea doubled feel easily discouraged, less passionate in life, and end up depressed. Worse, women are five times more to experience it all if you suffer from sleep apnea.

    The good news, care and treatment of sleep apnea can automatically reduce the level of depression experienced by patients.

    3. Diabetes

    There are several studies that had discussed the link between sleep apnea and metabolic syndrome, such as diabetes. In fact a recent study found that people with sleep apnea have an increased risk of diabetes two-fold higher than normal.

    4. Cancer

    In addition to cancer risk, it seems that sleep apnea sufferers are also prone die from the cancer, according to two studies.

    The first study precisely mentioned that people with sleep apnea any cancer risk by 65 percent. While the second study found that people with sleep apnea are also at risk of dying cancer five times faster illness.

    5. Libido

    Lack of sleep is often mentioned to be a bad thing for reproductive health. However, sleep apnea was also bad for men and women. Because sleep apnea interfere with the performance of hormones and ultimately lower their sex drive or libido.

    So when libido decreased, treatment and consultation on sex therapist may not be enough. Because the root of the problem is actually due to sleep apnea experienced by a person.

    6. Stroke

    Researchers have long investigated the link between sleep apnea and the risk of stroke. One is a small-scale study recently found that among the 51 in 56 stroke patients did in fact suffer a stroke.

    Nonetheless, researchers still want to understand why sleep apnea can increase the risk of stroke.

    7. Complications keamilan

    Although sleep apnea is more common in men, but not necessarily women immune to the disorder. Is, in fact, sleep apnea health impact is quite complicated for women.

    Recent research has found that women with sleep apnea tend to increase blood pressure during pregnancy. So they have to undergo surgery and childbirth with babies born prematurely risk.

    Inviting Kids Active Play To Avoid Obesity

    International Journal of Obesity published a new study on the activities of the mother and child. In the study, Truls Ostbye, a professor of family and community medicine at Duke University, and his colleagues report their findings should serve as a reminder to both their mothers and fathers to be role models for their sons and daughters.

    Inviting Kids Active Play To Avoid Obesity

    Moreover, they claim that the study emphasizes the importance of parental policies that promote physical activity and healthy eating - especially for young children. In fact, more than a quarter of all American children between the ages of two and five are already overweight or obese, the Duke researchers noted.

    "Obesity is a complex phenomenon, which is influenced by biological factors and behavior of individuals," said Ostbye. "But there is variation in obesity from one society to another and from one environment to another, so obviously there is something in the environment that influence the obesity epidemic."

    'Environment' obesiogenic 'broad and multi-faceted, including the physical environment environment, media and advertising, and the meals tax policy, but we feel that the home environment is very important, especially among children. However, we do not have much evidence to the importance of this, "he added.

    To emphasize the importance of both the home environment and parenting behaviors in shaping eating behaviors and physical kids, Ostbye and colleagues studied data from 190 preschoolers whose mothers were overweight or obese.

    They gather information about each child's dietary intake over the past week, separating them into two categories: junk food or healthy food. In addition, children who are equipped with accelerometers for a week to measure the amount of time they are physically active (as well as the time they spend doing sedentary job).

    The mothers also reveal information about the home environment, including family policies that govern food and physical activity, the availability of both health food and junk food, the availability of physical activity or sports equipment, and whether or not they served as role models for healthy eating and exercise habits.

    After analyzing all the data, the team Ostbye who "found a significant relationship between the size of the environment and physical activity of preschoolers' and healthier than junk food intake," Durham, North Carolina said university. They concluded that a healthy home environment and parental role modeling effective both play an important role in promoting healthy behaviors in children between the ages of two and five.

    The study authors reported that limiting the amount of junk food available for preschool children in the home increases the amount of healthy food that kids will eat and daughters, and that the home environment is more influential when it comes to the level of physical activity habits of eating. They also emphasized that research shows that children who watch their parents' behavior and take the good and bad habits of the mother and father.

    "It's hard for parents to change their behavior, but not only is this important for you and your own health, but also important for your child because you are a role model for them," Duke said research analyst and study co-investigator Marissa Stroo. "It may be common sense, but now we have some evidence to support this."

    Ostbye, Stroo and colleagues also analyzed the level of education, employment situation and other socio-economic factors of the mother. They found that these factors did not influence the physical activity levels of their children, but had "mixed results" when it comes to healthy eating habits. The researchers suggest that additional research is needed to better understand the impact that the socio-economic situation of the mother towards her children's health.

    Thursday, June 20, 2013

    Less Vitamin D Can Make Kids Girls Puberty Too Fast

    Whether because of precocious or because of the association, now began often found young women who experience early puberty. These conditions make them at risk of health complications. A study found the cause for lack of vitamin D.

    Less Vitamin D Can Make Kids Girls Puberty Too Fast

    Puberty usually begins between the ages of 10-14 years for girls, and between the ages of 12-16 years for boys. However, puberty too soon to say if the sexual development begins before the age of 8 years and the changes occurred before the age of 9 years.

    Previous research has found that early puberty can have negative consequences and affects social behavior, psychological development, and can pose some health risks for life. This time the researchers compared the levels of vitamin between normal girls and early puberty.

    The study involved 110 girls aged 7-10 years. The researchers say as many as 75 girls showed a normal pattern of development and 35 classified daughters hit puberty too fast.

    The researchers found that early puberty group had 2 times more likelihood of vitamin D deficiency than children of normal puberty. As many as 44 percent of girls who experience puberty too early severe vitamin D deficiency compared to only 21 percent in the normal group.

    "Our results suggest that vitamin D can inhibit the emergence of symptoms of early puberty and puberty too soon, at least partially," said the researcher, Min Sun Kim, MD, PhD, assistant professor at Chonbuk National University Medical School, Jeonju, South Korea as Counsel and Heal reported on Tuesday (06/18/2013).

    Adequacy of vitamin D have been linked to various health benefits such as the ability to better cognition, immunity and heart health. While vitamin D deficiency has been linked to a number of diseases such as cancer, obesity and autoimmune diseases.

    Researchers Link Obesity Can Cause Hearing Loss In Children

    A new study led by researchers at Columbia University Medical Center shows obese adolescents are more likely to have hearing loss problems than their normal - weight peers. The study findings, published in The Laryngoscope, demonstrated that obese adolescents have increased hearing loss across all frequencies and were almost twice as likely to have unilateral ( one - sided ) low - frequency hearing loss.

    Researchers Link Obesity Can Cause Hearing Loss In Children

     �This is the antecedent paper to appearance that corpulence is associated stow away hearing loss in adolescents, � verbal Anil K. Lalwani, professor and vice chair for research, Department of Otolaryngology / Head & Smooch Surgery, Columbia University Medical Center.

     Pudginess in adolescents is associated keep secret sensorineural hearing loss � caused by damage to the inner - ear hair cells � across all frequencies in the area that onus act as heard by humans, according to the study. The highest rates of hearing loss were for low - frequencies � over 15 percent of obese adolescents compared hide almost 8 percent of non - obese adolescents. Low - frequency hearing loss sufferers cannot hear sounds in frequencies 2, 000 Hz and below, although they may still hear sounds in the higher frequencies. Normal human hearing range is from 20 Hz to 20, 000 Hz. Akin sufferers care regularly still possess human speech, but may have difficulty hearing in groups or in incompatible places.

     �These contact have several exigent public health implications, � vocal Dr. Lalwani, who is besides an otolaryngologist at New York Presbyterian Hospital / Columbia University Medical Center. �Because previous research constitute that 80 percent of adolescents suppress hearing loss were unaware of having hearing difficulty, adolescents take cover fatness should arrogate regular hearing screening thereupon they duty personify treated appropriately to avoid logical and behavioral issues. �

     In general, overall hearing loss among obese adolescents is relatively mild, the study ring in, although the almost two - community spread in the odds of unilateral low - frequency hearing loss is particularly worrisome. The findings suggest early, and perhaps spread, injury to the inner ear that could progress as the adolescents metamorphose obese adults. The researchers put forth more research is needed on the adverse effects of this early hearing loss on social buildup, academic performance and behavioral and thinking function.

     �Furthermore, hearing loss should equal bounteous to the growing record of the refusal health consequences of fatness that act on both offspring and adults � adding to the impetus to dilute bulk among persons of all ages, � spoken Dr. Lalwani.

     Halfway 17 percent of offspring in the US are obese, which is momentous as having a body mass brochure ( BMI ) of =95 percentile. Unlike naughty BMI, which is unmistakable as a number based on weight and height, BMI in spawn is explicit as a percentile. Previous research has identified fatness and its associated morbidities have been identified as a risk point for hearing loss in adults.

     The research band analyzed data from almost 1, 500 humans who participated in the Public Health and Take out Examination Survey. Conducted from 2005 to 2006 by the State Center for Health Statistics of the Centers for Disorder Check and Prevention ( CDC ), the survey was a goodly, nationally representative model of adolescents between the ages of 12 and 19.? Participating adolescents were interviewed in their homes, enchanting into report family medical history, current medical conditions, medication fitness, central smokers, socioeconomic and demographic factors, and rumpus - exposure history.

     The research crew suggests fatness may straightaway or indirectly lead to hearing loss. More research is requisite to persuade the mechanisms involved; however, the band theorizes that fleshiness - induced inflammation may contribute to hearing loss.? Obese descendants have been institute to have low levels of the negatory - inflammatory protein adiponectin, which is underground from adipose tissue. In obese adults, low levels have been associated mask long - frequency hearing loss, which affects a person�s power to kumtux speech. Lesser diseases often associated stash pudginess � which interpolate type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular indisposition and soaring cholesterol � have all been reported to equate associated blot out loss of alien hearing ( conforming to the superficial, middle, and inner ear ) and could and contribute indirectly to hearing loss.

    Wednesday, June 19, 2013

    Healthy Without Junk Food with 8 How It

     Junk food is a term for foods that are not healthy or have little nutritional content. Although it can be addictive, but eat them in excess can be bad for your health. How do I reduce the desire to eat junk food?

    Some studies say that the desire to eat certain foods occurs when the body lacks nutrients. Here are some simple tips that can help overcome the urge to eat junk food, as reported by the Times of India, on Wednesday (06/12/2013):

    1. Drink plenty of water

    When you feel hungry, have to distinguish if you really want to eat or just want a drink? There are times when the body feels 'need' a drink, not food. Experts agree that consuming enough water before meals is a good move. This step is done to your body adequately hydrated. Therefore, make sure you drink water throughout the day.

    2. Divert your attention

    Do you eat a bag of potato chips just because he was bored? If yes, then you must do something else to distract. Try to listen to music, read a book, call a friend, or your favorite television show.

    3. Give the hunger levels

    When you are going to eat, ask yourself how hungry you really are. Does not matter if you replace the burger menu with another menu? If yes, then you will be able to assess how hungry you are at the time and choose what food you will eat.

    In addition, it helps to eat slowly, because it takes time for the body to feel full. Eating slowly also gives the body a chance to properly assess whether the food eaten is enough or not.

    4. Keep 'temptation' around

    Buy food supplies can sometimes be dangerous, because usually you'll be tempted to buy unhealthy foods or outside of the shopping list. Should go shopping in a state of satiety and focus on foods that you really need.

    Moreover, while in the supermarket aisle should avoid going to the snack section. Do not see it will make you desire to buy into decline. May seem difficult at first, but if passed will be a very good habit.

    5. Keep a diary

    Make a note of what you already eat and drink throughout the day. A week later, you will be able to evaluate what has been your consumption and try not to consume unhealthy foods back the week before you have eaten.

    This habit will not only help identify your diet, but also help to control it.

    6. Choose healthy snacks

    Do you only eat 3 meals a day? If so, you should immediately look for a snack. Snack totally prohibited, as long as the chosen are healthy snacks like fruits. Eating healthy snacks between meals will make you feel full and avoid you from eating excessive portions in the future.

    7. Do not miss breakfast

    After not eating all night, the first food that you eat in the morning is something that is very important. Therefore, breakfast is a must. Breakfast with the right menu will keep you energized until lunch hour to the next.

    8. Stay away from stress to avoid excessive desire

    Do you overeat when you feel sad, stressed, or too happy? Often the desire to eat certain foods in touch with your emotions at that time. Even for some people, this may appear excessive desire while feeling anxious.

    Carbohydrates are known to increase levels of the hormone serotonin, which gives a calming effect. The combination of fat and sugar also has a calming effect. So when you are stressed, the desire to eat chocolate usually will be greater than usual. By away, because it is better if you're stressed nerves calm and think whether you really need chocolate to remain calm.

    Signs and Symptoms of Teething in Children

    Many parents mistakenly conclude that if their children get diarrhea, and red cheeks, it means his son is teething. Actually, what is the signs that your child experienced as their teeth grow?

    In addition to the view that the white bumps on gums, there are some clues for us to know the baby teeth begin to grow. What are they?

    • The little guy so much drooling
    • Rash on the face and chin
    • And restless sleep less because they feel uncomfortable with his gums
    • Her appetite is impaired, because his gums hurt
    • Often go hand-to-mouth
    • Gums swollen and red
    • So often biting.

    Teething usually refers to the process of new teeth rising through the gums, and occurs when the child is 6 months old. They are more cranky when they are teething, this happens because of soreness and swelling of the gums before coming through. These symptoms usually begin about 3 to 5 days before their teeth grow.

    Benefits and Dangers of Consuming Jengkol

    Jengkol (Jering / Pithecollobium Jiringa / Pithecollobium Labatum) is a typical plant in the Southeast Asian region, including the popular in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia, especially in West Java which consumed 100 tons a day.

    Behind the odor generated jengkol, it contained useful for health benefits. According to various studies indicate that jengkol also rich in carbohydrates, protein, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, phosphorus, calcium, alkaloids, essential oils, steroids, glycosides, tannins, and saponins.

    There are specific for vitamin C content of 80 mg to 100 grams of seed jengkol, while the figure recommended dietary allowance is 75 mg per day for adult women and 90 mg for adult men.

    Additionally, Jengkol a good source of protein, which is 23.3 g per 100 g of material. Protein content far exceeds the tempeh, which is known as a source of vegetable protein, which is only 18.3 g/100 g (gram).

    For iron, Jengkol containing 4.7 g per 100 g. Lack of iron can cause anemia. The symptoms of people suffering from iron deficiency anemia are fatigue, weakness, pale and less passionate, headaches and irritable, unable to concentrate, as well as prone to infections. Patients with chronic anemia showed shape like a spoon and brittle nails, cracked in the corners of the mouth, tongue hard to swallow.

    Jengkol also very good for bone health because of the high content of calcium, which is 140 mg / 100 grams. The recommended calcium intake for adults is 800 mg per day. Phosphorus content in jengkol (166.7 mg/100 g) is also very important for the formation of bones and teeth, as well as for energy storage and expenditure.

    While the dangers of consuming excessive jengkol is risk jengkolan (could not urinate) does not depend on the amount consumed jengkol, but depending on the vulnerability of a person's body. Susceptible people, eating a little jengkol alone can lead to jengkolan. What affects a person's susceptibility to acid jengkolat unclear, but presumably due to genetic and environmental factors.

    1. Stab smell
    The cause of the smell was actually the amino acids contained in the seed jengkol. Amino acids was dominated by amino acids containing a sulfur (S). When degraded or fragmented into smaller components, the amino acids will produce various flavor components are very smelly, due to the influence of the sulfur. One of the gas that is formed by the elements is very famous H2S gas odor.

    2. Acid Jengkolat
    Jengkolat acid is one of the components contained in the seed jengkol. The structure is similar to the amino acids (building blocks of protein), but it can not be digested. Therefore can not provide any benefit to the body. Even on a variety of food chemistry books, jengkolat acid is considered as one of the toxins that can interfere with the human body.

    Jengkolat acid content in seed jengkol varies, depending on the variety and age of seeds jengkol. The numbers between 1 � � "2% of the seed weight jengkol. But clearly this jengkolat acid can cause health problems. The cause is the formation of acid crystals will jengkolat can clog the urinary tract. If the crystals are formed more and more, then kelama-lamaan can cause interference at the time of urine. Even if the establishment of an infection that is likely to cause further disturbances such as kidney and prostate disorders.

    Tuesday, June 18, 2013

    About Dental Implants

    Now dental implants have become a trend and it is recommended to replace missing teeth. Dental implant replaces the natural tooth with sensation, appearance, and function like natural teeth. Own definition of dental implants, artificial tooth root that is implanted into the jaw. Planting carried out through minor surgery, that is by opening the gums and then make a hole in the bone with a size between 3-4 millimeters.

    Medical technology has been able to provide a permanent solution to tooth loss with dental implant method. According to Drg. Djoko Micni, SpBM, FICOI; methods of dental implants has been found in the medical world since last 10 years. The technology itself has been able to replace the function of natural teeth. In the original tooth, there are two parts, namely the roots of teeth are embedded in bone and dental crowns that appear in the mouth cavity.

    In general, dental implants or dental implant consists of two components, ie components that are embedded in the gums and the crown on it that resembles a dental crown made ??of porcelain. Implants can also be a buffer for removable denture teeth when lost quite a lot.

    Implant method is not recommended for children under 17 years old. Dental implants also have a long endurance, about 5 to 10 years, with a note if performed on patients who have strong bones teeth.

    Well, do not want dental implants? That's why we always dental care while still healthy, so no holes. Cavities is the result of our lack of attention to dental hygiene and also our mouths. Always diligent brushing your teeth at least 2 times a day, because this is our first step to prevent the breeding of germs in the mouth. then brush your teeth as much!!!

    Monday, June 17, 2013

    Difference Sunblock and Sunscreen

    If you want to get maximum protection from sun exposure, the right choice for the cover of skin is to use a sunblock or sunscreen. Two skin protection lotion is apparently different from how it works in preventing skin damage caused by UV rays.

    As quoted by the site Fem Guide, Sunblock contains physical or inorganic material that acts as a wall between the skin by the sun. Sunblock ingredients typically titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. Both of these ingredients can not be absorbed by the skin it forms a protective layer on the skin surface that can reflect sunlight before the skin. In general, highly effective sunblock reflects the light in the UV A and UV B. A UV rays can cause skin aging and UV-B causes sunburn.

    While sunscreen protects the skin by absorbing ultraviolet rays (UVA and UVB) before a longer exposure to the sun. Sunscreen serves to filter and reduce exposure to ultraviolet radiation can cause skin to experience more rapid aging process.

    Use sunscreen and sunblock can not simultaneously provide better protection against UV rays. And apply some sunscreen at the same time will not increase the absorption of UV light. UV absorption maximum of only up to the level of product capabilities.

    When performing outdoor leisure activities, do not forget to bring sunscreen lotion in your bag. So, when returning home from vacation, you do not stress because the skin damaged by sunburn. But which of sunblock and sunscreen that is more convenient for your skin? Here's his review.

    What is the difference with sunscreen sunblock?

    Doctors: Do not be confused by the term suncreen and sunblock. That is just the term name goods, both of which sunscreen products to protect the skin from sun damage with the content of each model are slightly different. Sunblock, it serves as a wall that blocks or reflects ultraviolet light. Sunblock contains miberal such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide as the main ingredient that is suitable for use if you or a family member there who have sensitive skin.
    Sunblock protection afforded physical and can block UVB rays only.
    Compared sunblock, sunscreen has the ability to soak up the dermis layers. So, will counteract exposure to UVA rays that damage the skin effect is stronger. Sunscreen contains chemicals like avobenzone and oxybenzone so not suitable for those who have sensitive skin.

    Where better protect the skin with sunblock or sunscreen?

    Doctors: Both can be used to counteract the effect of ultraviolet radiation, the origin of the product must be considered when buying a sunscreen product containing ingredients that are essential in warding off UVA and UVB rays and is not easy to lose contact with the water, then it is a good lotion. Because today is a lot of sunblock that also have content that may ward off both UVA and UVB rays.

    What is the difference UVA and UVB and UVC?

    Doctor: UVA (ultraviolet type A) is the solar radiation wavelength 320-400 nm. Does not cause redness and pain. UVB (ultraviolet type B) is the solar radiation wavelength 290-320 nm over causing burns (redness) too much pain. UVC radiation is 280-100 nm ozone in the ozone layer, can eradicate microorganisma by destroying the nucleic acid in its DNA. UVC rays are absorbed first before being able to heat up the earth's ozone.

    Are the effects of UVA and UVB rays?

    Doctor: UVA (ultraviolet type A) cause permanent skin damage to DNA damage that can lead to skin cancer also cause the skin to become darker, while UVB causes sunburn redness and pain.

    What is the SPF 15, 30, 40, 50? And what is the difference of each?

    Doctor: SPF is a measurement of the use of sunscreen before the skin becomes reddish to light. SPF number can range from 2 to 100. SPF 15 means it can provide protection 15 hours before the skin becomes red. If you usually experience skin redness after 10 minutes then soak up the sun by wearing sunscreen SPF 15, your skin is safe for 15 � 10 minutes ie 150 minutes. So also with SPF 30 means 30 hours, and so on. This protection also depends on the type of skin white pigment it means a little more flammable than the dark-skinned, which means a lot of pigment that protects from sunburn. In addition it should be remembered, the amount of power of the sun on the skin does not only depend on the length of time spent in the sun. It is also influenced by a number of factors including the length of exposure, time, geographic location, and weather conditions.

    Breastfeeding Boost Baby Brains Ability

    Breast milk (ASI) can boost brain development in infants with an increase up to 30 percent. Children who were exclusively breastfed at least three months of brain development 30 percent higher in the brain that control vital part of language ability, emotion and understanding, according to experts.

    The results in children under four years of age who received breast milk showed significant progress, especially in brain development. Results of research conducted at Brown University USA, found that when the baby reaches the age of two years, there were noticeable differences in their brain structure.

    Dr Sean Deoni, professor of engineering and lead researcher told the Daily Mail June 7, 2013, said, "We found differences in brain development between 20-30 percent, among infants who received breast milk and are not."

    Using the technique of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the brains of infants who received breast milk at the beginning of their development and formula-fed infants who get scanned and compared. The results showed that infants who were breastfed exclusively experienced more rapid growth in the white matter of the brain "tissue containing nerve fibers associated with the long part of the brain used for learning. Contrast formula-fed babies have fewer white part.

    This study was conducted to determine the occurrence of brain development in early age. This research examined 133 infants who were born at the same time and come from a family that is almost the same. By comparing the amount of myelin in children younger and older, researchers calculate the effect of breastfeeding on the development of the brain.

    The scientists support this research with a set of cognitive tests that demonstrate the ability of language, visual reception and motor control that turns it all better in infants who received breast milk.

    In addition, the scientists also found that the longer a baby is breastfed, the better their brain development, especially in parts of the brain that has to do with movement and coordination.

    Despite the results of research published in the journal Neurolmage this is not the first to discover the relationship between breastfeeding with brain development in children, but Dr Deoni say that this is the first time used MRI scans to compare children who were breastfed and children who only gain formula.

    "I think this is a wonderful thing because you can see the difference from the very beginning. Combined with the results and other evidence, I agreed to say that breastfeeding gives a very good result," said Dr. Deoni.

    Sources: tempo